Data Management Plan Collaborative Research: Salt Lake City Summer Ozone Study (SLC-SOS)
The PIs are committed to full sharing of data between all field study participants during all phases of the experiment and subsequent research and analysis activities. During the collection and analysis phase, the data collected as part of this proposal will be made available to all related participants.
1. Types of data, samples, physical collections, software, curriculum materials, and other materials to be produced in the course of the project.
Data will be collected on board the aircraft through the aircraft data system and/or by the individual investigators’ instruments at appropriate time resolutions. NOTE: Aircraft will not be used in the 2024 campaign.
2. The standards to be used for data and metadata format and content (where existing standards are absent or deemed inadequate, this should be documented along with any proposed solutions or remedies).
Data will be delivered in the common ICARTT data format. Tutorials for preparing and converting raw data to ICARTT format will be available for less experienced investigators.
3. Policies for access and sharing including provisions for appropriate protection of privacy, confidentiality, security, intellectual property, or other rights or requirements.
We intend to use EOL to archive the PI datasets. There will be a 24-hr data turn-in requested from investigators for field data for instruments where this is feasible. Initial preliminary data will be made available during the project. Following the conclusion of the experiment, a fully processed data set will be made available. A Level 2 user file, complying with RAF Nimbus NetCDF conventions will be disseminated including all standard measurements and data from selected instruments. There are many redundant and variable measurements, and Level 1 files contain the suggested measurements for analysis. Level 1 data files with all measured quantities are available upon request. Further information on data files and instruments can be found at
These files can be visualized via the NCAR AEROS software package (
Final data will be delivered in the common ICARTT data format. We will set a deadline of 6 months after the conclusion of the flight intensive for the delivery of final data to the permanent archives. We propose that all final data delivered to the archives should be publicly available 1 year after the end of the field campaign. The final data from in situ field observations will also be stored by EOL. The availability of the data sets will be communicated to research peers and at conferences, and referenced in publications. Policies for data use will be clearly referenced in each data file through the ICARTT header information; we will require that participation in or co-authorship on any publications is offered to the data originator(s).
All university members of the investigative teams with access to data will receive instruction in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) either through online training modules through the classes meeting the RCR educational requirements in the respective Department in each institution (the online training and courses in each location meet the RCR requirements). All data will be analyzed and interpreted and disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations to the public. The PIs are committed to open access journals, and will preferentially choose to submit papers to journals that have an open access. Copyrights will be held by the PIs or their institutions, or publishing groups responsible for distributing peer-reviewed articles. This project will not involve the acquisition of either animal or human subject data. We do not anticipate that there will be any significant intellectual property issues involved with the acquisition of the data. In the event that discoveries or inventions are made in direct connection with this data, access to the data will be granted upon request once appropriate invention disclosures and/or provisional patent filings are made.
4. Policies and provisions for re-use, re-distribution, and the production of derivatives.
Policies for data use will be referenced in each data file through the ICARTT header information. Our expectation is that co-authorship on publications is offered to the data originator(s).
5. Plans for archiving data, samples, and other research products, and for preservation of/access to them.
We prefer long term storage on an EOL archive as requested via PRESTO.