NOAA/GMD flight description file produced on 24-06-2015 23:33:28 [GMT], SkySonde Client version Telemetry and data analysis software written by Allen Jordan and Jim Wendell, NOAA. Flight number = nav001 Date [GMT] = 24-06-2015 Time [GMT] = 23:55:46 Location = University of Houston Longitude = -95.3300 Latitude = 29.7200 Time stamp in raw data file = GMT Launch altitude (km) = 0.019 Surface pressure (mb) = 1016.15 Surface temperature (deg) = 24.12 Surface humidity (%) = 34.44 Instrument type = Vaisala Sonde Vaisala number = 30849 A/D System = V7 Radiation correction = Yes Radiosonde Total Col. Water = 45.19 Flight mode switch reason = altitude difference at 23:56:15 Pressure/altitude source = iMet Radiosonde