Standard Instrumentation

Description NSF NCAR GV NSF NCAR C-130
Static Pressure
Dynamic Pressure
Cabin Pressure
Ambient Temperature
Chilled Mirror Dew Point Temperature
Aircraft Position, Altitude, Ground Relative Speeds, Accelerations and Attitude Angles (IRU)
GPS w/ TerraStar C accuracy
3-Dimensional Wind Fields
Icing Rate (presence of supercooled liquid water)  
King Probe Cloud Liquid Water Content
Remote (infrared) Surface Temperature  
Gas Dump Manifold Pressures  
Forward Digital Video (GV - only with pylons installed)
Real-time Data Transfer to Ground
Real-time Display incl. maps, video, time series etc.    
Heated Ambient Temperature Sensor
High Rate Ambient Temperature Sensor
Chilled Mirror Dew Point Temperature
Buck Instruments Model CR-2 Cryogenic Hygrometer
Ultraviolet Absorption Hygrometer  
All-Weather Wind Gust Pod (anti-iced)  
Ambient Static Pressure
Laser Air Motion Sensor (LAMS ) [1, 3, and 4 beam(s)]    
Digital Video (forward, down, side) with optional date/time stamp