EOL Field Program Support Services

EOL provides specialized and scalable services to the research community in support of atmospheric field programs, and include:

A PI may request EOL services for field campaigns independent of requesting LAOF. Use PRESTO to request EOL's support services as a standalone service. Services include data management, the Field Catalog, project management and operations support, and operations and system administration support.

The information below provides descriptions of the support levels for each service. The PI should reference these support levels as they complete the facility request.

Two NCAR Labs offer field program support services, including MMM's forecasting support and EdEC's outreach support


Data Management Support

Data Management and Services (DMS) welcomes requests from NSF and non-NSF research agencies. 

Note that EOL Data Services can be requested on its own. It does not have to be tied to an EOL instrument/platform request.  

Coming soon for non-NSF requests - A Google form for requesting EOL data management and/or Field Catalog services. In the meantime, please email the DMS Facility manager, Jacquie Witte - jwitte@ucar.edu, with your statement of interest. 


Level 1 - Data management services

The PI request data management, including archival, support only. Each deploying EOL Facility will archive its instruments’ data in the EOL Field Data Archive and any other project-defined data archive. The maximum level of support provided by Data Management and Services (DMS) at this level is:

  • Development of a project data policy collaboratively by DMS and PI team, including:
    • any embargo periods
    • any password protection requirements and timeline
    • data submission deadlines to ensure completeness of datasets
  • Development of a project data management strategy collaboratively by DMS and PI team, including:
    • operational and research data archival requirements
    • preliminary and final data sharing
    • defining requirements for operational data
    • defining requirements for metadata
  • Creation of the appropriate project webpages and the Data Archive
  • Development of a system and workflows for sharing preliminary data in the field among the participants, as requested
  • Collection of preliminary and final quality controlled datasets and metadata from all project instrument providers for long-term archival in the EOL Field Data Archive
  • Production of operational and/or research sounding composites in a common format and interpolated to standard levels as specified by the PI as requested
  • Collection of specified operational datasets needed by the PI, which may include satellite, radar, upper-air, surface observations, etc.
  • Storage of all data and accompanying metadata on NCAR storage systems and data back up

Level 2 - Data management + Field Catalog services

The PI request a Field Catalog and Data Management (including archival) support. Each deploying EOL Facility will archive its data in the EOL Field Data Archive and any other project-defined data archive. The maximum level of support provided by DMS at this level is:

  • Level 1 Data Management Support, plus the following
    • Support for pushing EOL sounding data as well as data from PI-operated sounding systems to the GTS for use by modeling centers and others around the world
    • Development of requirements for specific field catalog products and scripts to obtain requested operational products in real-time
    • Production of a customized field catalog that will be available to participants prior to the start of the field campaign collaboratively by DMS and the PI team
    • Acquisition of research products, model output plots, instrument status updates and mission reports. Documentation to users uploading products to the Field Catalog and long-term ingest monitoring to ensure data stream interruptions are minimized.
    • On-site staff support for Field Catalog users, which may be full- or part-time, to include:
      • user training
      • Q and A
      • troubleshooting problems
      • assessment and potential implementation of high priority changes to the Field Catalog during the campaign
    • Long-term access to project Field Catalog for the scientific community

Project Management and Operations Support

Level 1

The PI requests help with managing and coordinating portions of the entire field campaign, and may include guidance for PIs who are new to field campaigns. The maximum support provided at this level is:

  • Planning and support of monthly phone calls with the entire PI team
  • Assistance in organization of planning meetings
  • Assistance with organizing Dry Runs
  • Project-wide coordination of land leases
  • Project-wide coordination of student operators
  • Assistance with logistical tasks / coordination
  • Planning and setting up initial routines for day-to-day operations

Level 2

The PI requests significant help with managing and coordinating the entire field campaign. The PI intend to rely heavily on the Lead Project Manager to plan and carry out the majority of non-scientific project aspects. This level includes:

  • Level 1 Project Management Support, plus the following
    • Project-wide securing of research and other permits
    • Project briefings to government agencies and local entities
    • Logistical assistance for research platforms from universities and/or other agencies (e.g., hangar space, heavy equipment, hotel, transportation, rental cars)
    • Site arrangements (e.g., land leases, access roads, secure storage facilities, etc.)
    • Coordination of the writing of an Operations Plan
    • Shipping support for project participants (as directed by NSF)

Operations Center and Systems Administration Support

Level 1

The PI requests an operations center with setup and tear-down and do not request on-site systems administration support throughout the project. The PI will use the operations center during the campaign for meetings, analysis, etc., and NCAR staff will use it for the support needs of the platforms/instruments deployed. The maximum support provided at this level is:

  • Dedicated workspace with a secure internet connection and internal wireless network, access to conference and video calling, data display capabilities, and limited printing services sufficient for PI teams and EOL staff
  • Systems administrator in the field to set up the operations center
  • Systems administrator in the field to tear down the operations center, if needed
  • Rented space for the operations center
  • Internet setup and charges
  • Shipping of EOL equipment required to support the deploying Facility(ies) and PI team for the operations center
  • Materials and supplies needed to support the deploying Facility(ies) and PI team for the operations center

Level 2

The PI requests an operations center with set-up, tear-down and on-site systems administration support throughout the project. The PI team will use the operations center during the campaign for meetings, analysis, etc. and NCAR staff will use it for the support needs of the platforms/instruments deployed. The maximum support provided at this level is:

  • Level 1 Systems Administration and Operations Center Logistics Support, plus the following
    • Systems administrator set up and tear down of the operations center
    • Systems administrator support throughout the project, with rotations as needed