Front Range Observational Network Testbed - Short Term Explicit Prediction
The Short Term Explicit Prediction (STEP) program is a focused science program established in 2006. The overarching goal of STEP is to improve the forecast skill of high impact weather in the 0-36 hour timeframe through coordinated research across NCAR divisions. This 2014 observational component of STEP was requested to test and demonstrate an end-to-end hydrometeorological system built by STEP scientists and engineers. The near-real-time integrated system included components of QPE, advanced radar data assimilation, high-resolution rapid-update NWP, advanced nowcasting system, stream- flow prediction system, and verification. This hydrometeorological system will advance the science of precipitation prediction at local scale and improve flash flood prediction.
STEP was granted time on EOL's SPOL radar between Aug 1 and 15, 2014, under a 20 hour project allowance. The goal of the project was to collect data on storms that caused flash flooding in order to evaluate QPE, QPF, microphysics, nowcasts, and short term stream flow predictions. During this two week period, the radar was active on six days scanning deep moist convection over the Front Range foothills and adjacent plains. During the observation period, no significant flash flooding events occurred within range of SPOL. The data collected will still be useful for the tasks mentioned.
Also during the observational period, SPOL was used on two days to scan growing cumulonimbus to support flight operations for a concurrent project that is testing the capabilities of a new cloud penetrating aircraft.
Principal Investigators:
- Jenny Sun NCAR/RAL
- Rita Roberts NCAR/RAL
- Dave Gochis NCAR/RAL
- Eric Nelson NCAR/RAL
Project Manager:
- Jim Moore, NCAR/EOL
Data Manager: