Microburst and Severe Thunderstorm study

05/25/1986 - 07/31/1986
Project Location
Huntsville, AL

Microburst and Severe Thunderstorm (MIST) project involved fourty-one PAM-II stations arranged in a dense cluster around the Huntsville, Alabama airport during June and July, 1986. The full PAM field base was deployed with one of the doppler radars, and an aircraft tracking system, and served as the operational headquarters. The experiment targeted the study of microburst and severe thunderstorm activity, particularly as it applied to airport operations, and aircraft safety. PAM-II stations sampled data on one-minute intervals, and transmitted messages every three minutes: both a maximum utilization of the system's capacity over the GOES telemetry link. Special sensing included an extension of the GALE rain gauge network and humicap devices. All three radiars, CP-2, CP-3 and CP-4 were operating.  MIST was included in the Cooperative Huntsville Meterological Experiment (COHMEX).


Principal Investigators:

  • Gregory Forbes The Weather Channel
  • V.N. Bringi CSU
  • Roger Wakimoto
  • T. Theodore Fujita

Data Manager: