MicroPulse Differential Absorption Lidars (MPD) for studying the atmospheric impacts of the total solar eclipse in 2024

04/01/2024 - 04/30/2024
Project Location
New York State, USA

Three NCAR/EOL temperature and water vapor MPDs are deployed during the 2024 North American total solar eclipse (TSE) in New York State (NYS) to be collocated with three NYS Mesonet (NYSM) super-sites. Coincident surface, profiling and flux measurements are made. The primary scientific objective is to collect continuous and high-resolution upper air data from MPDs and NYSM profiler instruments along with radiosondes to study atmospheric responses to the TSE. The MPD profiles of calibrated backscatter, temperature and water vapor will be available in real-time for comparison with the radiosonde data and the NYSM microwave radiometer (MWR) temperature and water vapor profiles and Doppler wind lidar profiles. The education and outreach objectives are to take advantage of the TSE, a rare but life-altering opportunity and an “ideal” laboratory, to teach, train and equip undergraduate and graduate students on scientific field campaigns, state-of-art profiling instruments and subsequent scientific data analysis.


June Wang, University at Albany

Tammy Weckwerth, NCAR/EOL