PCAPS was a study of the persistent temperature inversions that occur each winter in the Salt Lake valley. The PCAPS field campaign ran from Dec 1, 2010 to Feb 7 2011, and is lead by PIs C. David Whitemand and John Horel from the University of Utah, along with Sharon Zhong from Michigan State university. A range of instrumentation was being deployed, including the ISS (Integrated Sounding System) and ISFS from NCAR/EOL.
The ISS was split between two sites in West Jordan (approx 20km south of downtown Salt Lake City):
ISS2 had radiosonde soundings, sodar-RASS, ceilometer, GPS water vapor, and surface met tower
ISS3 had 915 MHz and 449 MHz wind profilers and a WXT weather sensor
The operator logs for both sites is on the PCAPS ISS wiki