Categorized RAF Variable List
The following parameters were measured during HIPPO-2 by the GV core instrumentration. Keep in mind that not all of these variables are included in the production release of data:
A2DTEMP_CHEM1 | A2D Temperature |
A2DTEMP_CHEM2 | A2D Temperature |
A2DTEMP_LWO | A2D Temperature |
A2DTEMP_O2 | A2D Temperature |
A2DTEMP_RAD | A2D Temperature |
A2DTEMP_RWO | A2D Temperature |
ACINS | IRS Vertical Acceleration |
ACINS_IRS2 | IRS Vertical Acceleration |
ADC_DIS_1_A | AirTrfcCtrl Sel, Overspeed, WOW |
ADIFR | Vertical Differential Pressure, Radome |
ADIFRTEMP | Temperature of ADIFR Probe |
AKRD | Attack Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure |
ALT | IRS Altitude |
ALTX | Altitude, Reference (MSL) |
ALT_G | Avionics GPS Altitude (MSL) |
ALT_IRS2 | IRS Altitude |
AO2CO2 | AO2 CO2 |
AO2O2 | AO2 O2 |
AQRATIO | Al's Fudge Factor |
ATHL1 | Ambient Temperature, Deiced Left |
ATHL2 | Ambient Temperature, Deiced Left |
ATHR1 | Ambient Temperature, Deiced Right |
ATHR2 | Ambient Temperature, Deiced Right |
ATTACK | Attack Angle, Reference |
ATTACK_A | ADC Angle of Attack |
ATX | Ambient Temperature, Reference |
AT_A | ADC Ambient Air Temperature |
AT_VXL | VCSEL Ambient Temperature |
AVGTRNS_LOI | CDP Average Transit Time |
BALT1_A | ADC Baro Altitude |
BALT2_A | ADC baro corrected alt #2 |
BAROCOR1_A | ADC baro correction #1 mB |
BAROCOR2_A | ADC baro correction #2 mB |
BCPC_SP2 | NOAA SP2 Back Carbon Particle Concentration |
BDIFR | Horizontal Differential Pressure, Radome |
BDIFRTEMP | Temperature of BDIFR Probe |
BLATA | IRS Body Latitudal Acceleration |
BLATA_IRS2 | IRS Body Latitudal Acceleration |
BLONGA | IRS Body Longitudal Acceleration |
BLONGA_IRS2 | IRS Body Longitudal Acceleration |
BNORMA | IRS Body Normal Acceleration |
BNORMA_IRS2 | IRS Body Normal Acceleration |
CAS_A | ADC Computed Air Speed |
CDPLBTMP_LOI | CDP Laser Block Temperature |
CDPLSRC_LOI | CDP Laser Current |
CDPLSRP_LOI | CDP Laser Power Monitor |
CDPWBTMP_LOI | CDP Wing Board Temperature |
CH4_GMD | NOAA UCATS Methane |
CH4_QLIVE | Methane |
CNTRCUR_VXL | VCSEL Center Current |
CO2_QLIVE | Carbon Dioxide |
COCAL_QLIVE | Corrected Carbon Monoxide Concentration |
COCOR_QLIVE | Raw Carbon Monoxide, Baseline Corrected |
COMR_AL | Carbon Monoxide Mixing Ratio |
CONC1DC_LCO | 2D-C Concentration, 260X Emulation (all cells) |
CONC2C_LCO | 2D-C Concentration |
CONCD_LOI | CDP Concentration (all cells) |
CONCU100_RWI | UHSAS Concentration, .1 micron and bigger |
CONCU500_RWI | UHSAS Concentration, .5 micron and bigger |
CONCU_RWI | UHSAS Concentration (all cells) |
CONC_H2O_VXL | VCSEL Moisture Number Density |
COZRO_QLIVE | Carbon Monoxide Baseline Zero Signal |
CO_QLIVE | Carbon Monoxide |
DBAR1DC_LCO | 2D-C Mean Particle Diameter, 260X Emulation |
DBARD_LOI | CDP Mean Particle Diameter |
DBARU_RWI | UHSAS Mean Particle Diameter |
DBZ1DC_LCO | 2D-C Calculated Reflectivity, 260X Emulation |
DBZD_LOI | CDP Calculated Reflectivity |
DISP1DC_LCO | 2D-C Dispersion, 260X Emulation (sigma/dbarx) |
DISPD_LOI | CDP Dispersion (sigma/dbarx) |
DISPU_RWI | UHSAS Dispersion (sigma/dbarx) |
DKL_CSD | Zero Level, TDL Long Path |
DKS_CSD | Zero Level, TDL Short Path |
DPLB | Dew/Frost Point Balance, Fuselage Left |
DPLC | Dew Point Temperature, T-Electric Left |
DPLS | Dew/Frost Point Temperature, Fuselage Left |
DPLTEC | Dew/Frost Point TEC, Fuselage Left |
DPRB | Dew/Frost Point Balance, Fuselage Right |
DPRC | Dew Point Temperature, T-Electric Right |
DPRS | Dew/Frost Point Temperature, Fuselage Right |
DPRTEC | Dew/Frost Point TEC, Fuselage Right |
DPXC | Dew Point Temperature, Reference |
DP_VXL | VCSEL Frost Dew Point |
DRFTA | IRS Drift Angle |
DRFTA_IRS2 | IRS Drift Angle |
DT1DC_LCO | Fast 2DC Probe Dead Time |
EDPC | Ambient Water Vapor Pressure, Reference |
GGALT | Reference GPS Altitude (MSL) |
GGALTC | Corrected GPS Altitude |
GGALTC_GMN | Corrected GPS Altitude |
GGALT_GMN | Reference GPS Altitude (MSL) |
GGDAGE | Time in seconds since last DGPS update |
GGDAGE_GMN | Time in seconds since last DGPS update |
GGDAY | Reference GPS Day of month (1-31) |
GGDAY_GMN | Reference GPS Day of month (1-31) |
GGEOIDHT | Reference GPS Height of geoid (MSL) above WGS84 ellipsoid |
GGEOIDHT_GMN | Reference GPS Height of geoid (MSL) above WGS84 ellipsoid |
GGHORDIL | Reference GPS Horizontal dilution of position |
GGHORDIL_GMN | Reference GPS Horizontal dilution of position |
GGLAT | Reference GPS Latitude |
GGLAT_GMN | Reference GPS Latitude |
GGLON | Reference GPS Longitude |
GGLON_GMN | Reference GPS Longitude |
GGMONTH | Reference GPS Month of year (1-12) |
GGMONTH_GMN | Reference GPS Month of year (1-12) |
GGNSAT | Reference GPS number of satellites tracked |
GGNSAT_GMN | Reference GPS number of satellites tracked |
GGQUAL | Reference GPS Qual, 0=inval,1=GPS,2=DGPS |
GGQUAL_GMN | Reference GPS Qual, 0=inval,1=GPS,2=DGPS |
GGREFID | DGPS station ID number |
GGREFID_GMN | DGPS station ID number |
GGSECSDAY | Reference GPS seconds of day |
GGSECSDAY_GMN | Reference GPS seconds of day |
GGSPD | Reference GPS Ground Speed |
GGSPD_GMN | Reference GPS Ground Speed |
GGSTATUS | Reference GPS rcvr status: 1=OK(A), 0=warning(V) |
GGSTATUS_GMN | Reference GPS rcvr status: 1=OK(A), 0=warning(V) |
GGTRK | Reference GPS Track Angle |
GGTRK_GMN | Reference GPS Track Angle |
GGVEW | Reference GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component |
GGVEW_GMN | Reference GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component |
GGVNS | Reference GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component |
GGVNS_GMN | Reference GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component |
GGYEAR | Reference GPS 2 digit year |
GGYEAR_GMN | Reference GPS 2 digit year |
GSF | IRS Aircraft Ground Speed |
GSF_G | Avionics GPS Ground Speed |
GSF_IRS2 | IRS Aircraft Ground Speed |
GSTAT_G | Avionics GPS Sensor Status |
GTIME_G | Avionics GPS UTC Measure Time |
H2OMR_GMD | NOAA UCATS Water Vapor Mixing Ratio |
IAS | Indicated Airspeed |
IDXL_CSD | Spectral Line Position, TDL Long Path |
IDXS_CSD | Spectral Line Position, TDL Short Path |
IRIG_Status_304 | IRIG status: bit 0=SYNC,1=NOCODE,2=NOPPS,3=NOMAJT,4=NOYEAR,5=NOSYNC |
IRIG_Status_305 | IRIG status: bit 0=SYNC,1=NOCODE,2=NOPPS,3=NOMAJT,4=NOYEAR,5=NOSYNC |
IRIG_Status_310 | IRIG status: bit 0=SYNC,1=NOCODE,2=NOPPS,3=NOMAJT,4=NOYEAR,5=NOSYNC |
IRIG_Status_313 | IRIG status: bit 0=SYNC,1=NOCODE,2=NOPPS,3=NOMAJT,4=NOYEAR,5=NOSYNC |
IRIG_Tdiff_304 | IRIG-UNIX clock diff |
IRIG_Tdiff_305 | IRIG-UNIX clock diff |
IRIG_Tdiff_310 | IRIG-UNIX clock diff |
IRIG_Tdiff_313 | IRIG-UNIX clock diff |
IRIG_Tdiff_LWO | IRIG-UNIX clock diff |
IRIG_Tdiff_RWO | IRIG-UNIX clock diff |
IWD | IRS Wind Direction |
IWD_IRS2 | IRS Wind Direction |
IWS | IRS Wind Speed |
IWS_IRS2 | IRS Wind Speed |
LAT | IRS Latitude |
LATC | GPS-Corrected Inertial Latitude |
LATF_G | Avionics GPS Latitude Fine |
LAT_G | Avionics GPS Latitude |
LAT_IRS2 | IRS Latitude |
LON | IRS Longitude |
LONC | GPS-Corrected Inertial Longitude |
LONF_G | Avionics GPS Longitude Fine |
LON_G | Avionics GPS Longitude |
LON_IRS2 | IRS Longitude |
LSRINT_VXL | VCSEL Laser Intensity |
LSRTMP_VXL | VCSEL Laser Temperature |
MACH_A | ADC Mach Number |
MEDCO2 | Medusa CO2 |
MEDFLOW | Medusa Flow |
MEDH2O | Medusa H2O |
MEDP1 | Medusa Presure 1 |
MEDP2 | Medusa Presure 2 |
MEDPBYP | Medusa Pressure Bypass |
MEDSTAT1 | Medusa Status |
MEDSTAT2 | Medusa Status |
MEDSTAT3 | Medusa Status |
MED_PSA | Medusa Sample Pressure |
MR | Mixing Ratio, T-Electric |
MRTDLL_CSD | Mixing Ratio, TDL Long Absorption Path |
MRTDLS_CSD | Mixing Ratio, TDL Short Absorption Path |
N2O_GMD | NOAA UCATS Nitrous Oxide |
N2O_PAN | NOAA PANTHER Nitrous Oxide |
N2O_QLIVE | Nitrous Oxide |
NOSETMP | Radome Environmental Box Temperature |
O3MR_CSD | NOAA O3 Ozone Mixing Ratio |
O3MR_GMD | NOAA UCATS Ozone Mixing Ratio |
ONE | Constant value of 1. |
OVFLW_LOI | CDP AtoD Converter Overflow/Overrange |
PALT | NACA Pressure Altitude |
PALTF | NACA Pressure Altitude |
PALT_A | ADC Pressure Altitude |
PCAB_SP2 | SP2 Cabin Pressure |
PCELLS_CSD | Sample Cell Pressure, TDL Short Path |
PITCH | IRS Aircraft Pitch Angle |
PITCH_IRS2 | IRS Aircraft Pitch Angle |
PKPOS_VXL | VCSEL Peak Position |
PLWC | Raw PMS-King Liquid Water Content Output |
PLWC1DC_LCO | 2D-C Water/Ice Content, 260X Emulation |
PLWCD_LOI | CDP Water/Ice Content |
PP2FL_CSD | 2f Signal Amplitude, TDL Long Path |
PP2FS_CSD | 2f Signal Amplitude, TDL Short Path |
PSF | Raw Static Pressure, Fuselage |
PSFC | Corrected Static Pressure, Fuselage |
PSX | Raw Static Pressure, Reference |
PSXC | Corrected Static Pressure, Reference |
PS_A | ADC Static Pressure |
PS_CSD | NOAA O3 Ambiant Pressure |
PS_VXL | VCSEL Ambient Pressure |
PT_A | ADC Total Pressure |
PVOLU_RWI | UHSAS Equivalent Volume |
PWRL_CSD | Laser Power, TDL Long Path |
PWRS_CSD | Laser Power, TDL Short Path |
PresLHe_PAN | NOAA PANTHER Press He Low |
PresLN2_PAN | NOAA PANTHER Press N2 Low |
QCF | Raw Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage |
QCFC | Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage |
QCFTEMP | Temperature of QCF Probe |
QCR | Raw Dynamic Pressure, Radome |
QCRC | Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Radome |
QCRTEMP | Temperature of QCR Probe |
QCX | Raw Dynamic Pressure, Reference |
QCXC | Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Reference |
QC_A | ADC Impact Pressure |
REFF2DC_LCO | 1DC Effective Radius |
REFFD_LOI | CDP Effective Radius |
REJAT_LOI | CDP Average Transit Rejected Particles |
REJDOF_LOI | CDP Particles Rejected (Outside Depth-of-Field)) |
RHODT | Absolute Humidity, T-Electric Top |
RHUM | Relative Humidity |
RICE | Raw Icing-Rate Indicator |
ROLL | IRS Aircraft Roll Angle |
ROLL_IRS2 | IRS Aircraft Roll Angle |
SETTMP_VXL | VCSEL Set Temperature |
SF6_PAN | NOAA PANTHER Sulfur Hexaflouride |
SHDORC_LCO | Fast 2DC Shadow OR Count |
SOLAZ | Solar Azimuth Angle |
SOLDE | Solar Declination Angle |
SOLEL | Solar Elevation Angle |
SOLZE | Solar Zenith Angle |
SSLIP | Sideslip Angle, Reference |
SSRD | Sideslip Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure |
STATUS_VXL | VCSEL Status Code |
SampleFlow_SP2 | NOAA SP2 Sample Flow |
SampleP_SP2 | NOAA SP2 Sample P |
TASF | Aircraft True Airspeed, Fuselage |
TASHC | Aircraft True Airspeed, Humidity Corrected |
TASR | Aircraft True Airspeed, Radome |
TASX | Aircraft True Airspeed, Reference |
TAS_A | ADC True Air Speed |
TCAB | Cabin Temperature at AEROSOL Rack Location |
TCC_VXL | VCSEL Thermoelectric Cooler Current |
TCELLS_CSD | Sample Cell Temperature, TDL Short Path |
TCNTD_LOI | CDP Total Counts (all cells) |
TCNTU_RWI | UHSAS Total Counts (all cells) |
THDG | IRS Aircraft True Heading Angle |
THDG_IRS2 | IRS Aircraft True Heading Angle |
THETA | Potential Temperature |
THETAE | Equivalent Potential Temperature |
THETAV | Virtual Potential Temperature |
TKAT | IRS Aircraft Track Angle |
TKAT_G | Avionics GPS Track Angle |
TKAT_IRS2 | IRS Aircraft Track Angle |
TTHL1 | Total Temperature, Deiced Left |
TTHL1C | Corrected Total Temperature, Deiced Left |
TTHL2 | Total Temperature, Deiced Left |
TTHL2C | Corrected Total Temperature, Deiced Left |
TTHR1 | Total Temperature, Deiced Right |
TTHR1C | Corrected Total Temperature, Deiced Right |
TTHR2 | Total Temperature, Deiced Right |
TTHR2C | Corrected Total Temperature, Deiced Right |
TTX | Total Temperature, Reference |
TT_A | ADC Total Air Temperature |
Time | time of measurement |
UBTMP_RWI | UHSAS Temperature in Canister |
UCURR_RWI | UHSAS Laser Current |
UDIFF_RWI | UHSAS Absolute Pressure in Canister, signal |
UFLWC_RWI | UHSAS Corrected Flow |
UI | Wind Vector, East Component |
UIC | GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component |
UPRESS_RWI | UHSAS Absolute Pressure in Canister |
UREF_RWI | UHSAS Reference Intensity |
USCAT_RWI | UHSAS Background Scatter |
USHFLW_RWI | UHSAS Air Sheath Flow |
UTEMP_RWI | UHSAS Temperature in Canister, signal |
UX | Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component |
UXC | GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component |
VEW | IRS Ground Speed Vector, East Component |
VEWC | GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component |
VEW_G | Avionics GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component |
VEW_IRS2 | IRS Ground Speed Vector, East Component |
VI | Wind Vector, North Component |
VIC | GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component |
VNS | IRS Ground Speed Vector, North Component |
VNSC | GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component |
VNS_G | Avionics GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component |
VNS_IRS2 | IRS Ground Speed Vector, North Component |
VSPD | IRS Vertical Speed |
VSPD_G | Avionics GPS Vertical Velocity |
VSPD_IRS2 | IRS Vertical Speed |
VY | Wind Vector, Lateral Component |
VYC | GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Lateral Component |
WD | Horizontal Wind Direction |
WDC | GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction |
WI | Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component |
WIC | GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component |
WP3 | Damped Aircraft Vertical Velocity |
WS | Horizontal Wind Speed |
WSC | GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed |
XMACH2 | Aircraft Mach Number Squared |
XRAWMRL_CSD | Raw Water Mixing Ratio, TDL Long Path |
XRAWMRS_CSD | Raw Water Mixing Ratio, TDL Short Path |
YAGP_SP2 | SP2 YAG Power |
ZERO | Constant value of 0 |
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