Partner with DFS

Work Acceptance Policy

DFS will accept work from the organizations shown the table below, but will apply priorities as indicated (Priority A being the highest). Priority E work will be accepted only if it will not interfere with Priority A, B and C work.

Special Provision for Outside Customers

For each project for outside customers, a written work statement and detailed cost estimate will be prepared by DFS and approved by the EOL Director. In addition, the customer's written agreement to these will be obtained before the start of work. All DFS work for outside customers will be performed strictly on either a "time-and-materials" or a "time-and-materials, not-to-exceed" basis. DFS will closely track and extrapolate the costs of each such project and will give the customer at least one week's advance notice of the date when it expects the cost limit to be reached. The project cost limit will not be exceeded by DFS without written authorization from the customer or the EOL Director.

Priority Customer Organization Sponsor of Customer Project
A UCAR2, including NCAR NSF
C Outside4 NSF
D UCAR, not including NCAR Non-NSF
E Outside Non-NSF

2 "UCAR" refers to a laboratory, program, or division within UCAR|NCAR, not to UCAR member universities.

Assignment of this priority level assumes that the outside work benefits the NSF-supported program at NCAR, as required by NCAR proposal criteria for non-NSF funding.

E.g., UCAR member or non-member universities, or government agencies other than NSF.