Airborne Coherent Lidar for Advanced In-flight Measurements (ACLAIM)
Rodney Bogue
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
August 1994 - April 1998
The NASA Airborne Coherent Lidar for Advanced In-flight Measurements (ACLAIM) pro gram has as a primary objective, the remote measurement of turbulence at a range of 1 kilo meter under conditions with a backscatter coefficient (b) as low as 5 x 10-11/m-sr. These measurements are being accomplished using laser technology at an eye-tolerant wavelength of 2.022 mm wavelength. If this objective can be attained, existing lidar measurements and theoretical predictions would suggest that it should be possible to obtain turbulence measure ments from sea level to the vicinity of 85k ft. altitude.
The ACLAIM program is developing and flight testing a sensor on NASA research aircraft, including the SR-71, and investigating the atmospheric environment to establish the feasibil ity of a lidar sensor. This development and testing utilizes laser and optical technology and advanced flight test techniques, combined in an aircraft flight environment. Because the pro gram relies on an atmosphere with a sufficient population of aerosol material to provide backscatter targets for the sensor, atmospheric science is a key discipline to provide estimates for the tropospheric and stratospheric aerosol environment.
A cooperative effort between government agencies, private industry, and academia is being used to accomplish the ACLAIM activity. Coherent Technologies Inc. is building the lidar- based sensor system. The Boeing Company is providing HSCT technical requirements. Modeling of the HSCT propulsion system is being accomplished under the Critical Propul sion Components program at the NASA Lewis Research Center. The University of Alabama at Huntsville and NASA Langley are providing atmospheric science support. NASA Dryden is leading the effort and providing overall program management. This team is augmented by a technical steering committee comprised of representatives from NASA and DOD.
Bogue, Rodney
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
P.O. Box 273, M/S 2033
Edwards, CA 93523
(805) 258-3193 (Phone)
(805) 258-2842 (FAX)