CONTRAST Science Team Field Meetings

NOTE: The presentations are password protected for CONTRAST Investigators only. For access, please contact the Principal Investigators listed in the CONTRAST Contacts Section below.


Thursday, 27 February 2014

Laura Pan Introduction
Ted Koenig AMAX-DOAS BrO during the jet-crossing of RF15
Dexian Chen CIMS preliminary data RF15
Dan Riemer VOC observations from RF14
Ross Salawitch Theory and Observation of Convective Transport of Active Species in the Tropical Western Pacific: CONTRAST RF07
Julie Nicely Comparison of Box Modeled and CAMChem HOx during CONTRAST
Dan Anderson Overview of Formaldehyde during CONTRAST
Andy Weinheimer Overview of NOx Measurements
Fumia Hasebe LAPAN-SOWER Project in Biak
Jean-Francois Lamarque Exploring O3-NOx relationship
Elliot Atlas AWAS & GWAS: Transition to the TTL
Shawn Honomichl N-S Ozone Survey & a Recap of Available Products
Laura Pan Exploring O3-CO tracer-tracer relationship


Friday, 12 February 2014

Laura Pan Introduction and Agenda
Bill Randel Stratospheric influence in the tropics inferred from CONTRAST
Jim Bresch Some aspects of the large-scale circulation during CONTRAST
Owen Shieh The Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone: A Quick Look at the Large-Scale Tropical Circulation
Julie Nicely ITCZ Crossing: The Tale of Two Worlds
Shawn Honomichl Linking Low Ozone over Manus to Potential Convective Sources
Dan Anderson Formaldehyde (HCHO) during RF09
Lisa Kaser CO/CO2/CH4 and O3/NO/NO2 measurements: RF02-RF10
Elliott Atlas /

Sue Schauffler
AWAS and GWAS: Variability/relationships/profiles for RF05-RF09
Rebecca Hornbrook Overview of RF01-RF10 TOGA VOC data
Greg Huey Update On CIMS: Research Flight 10
Alfonso Saiz-Lopez Boundary layer CHBr3 and DMS so far
Ross Salawitch CAMChem Comparisons for Research Flights 06, 07, 08, 09: O3, H2O, CH2Br2, and CHBr3
Rainer Volkamer TORERO hypothesis #1: Glyoxal over oceans is a smoking gun for other oxygenated VOC and 'missing' sources from ocean biology
Johnny Luo Trace gas measurements from SEAC4RS convection flights: Implications for CONTRAST
Jorgen Jensen High Ice Water Content
Kirk Ullmann Comparison of HARP J-values to TUV model for RF10 Flight Track


Friday, 24 January 2014, 9:00 am - 10:30 am

Intro Summary Laura Pan: RF01-RF05 observation highlights with a focus on O3 gradients
O3 Andy Weinheimer: GV Measurements of NOx and O3
O3 Tom Robinson: Convective Lifespans
O3 Brad Pierce: Convective Signatures in CONTRAST O3 and WV for RF01-RF05
Organics Lisa Kaser: GV Measurements of CO, CO2, CH4
Organics Glenn Wolfe: ISAF HCHO overview
Organics Eric Apel: Trace Organic Gas Analyzer (TOGA) - measurements
Photolysis Sam Hall: HARP photolysis frequencies
Photolysis/Inorganics Dan Anderson: Br/BrO ratio: model and measurement
Inorganics Rainer Volkammer: AMAX DOAS measurements of BrO, IO and Glyoxal
Inorganics Dexian Chen: CIMS Status and Initial Results
Final Summary Ross Salawitch: Bromocarbon emissions & CAM Chem Comparisons


NOTE: All data are preliminary: please do not cite, share, or distribute.