The list of parameters that is included in the final PACDEX dataset. The parameters provided by EOL are in black; user contributed parameters are in blue.

ACINS IRS Vertical Acceleration

ACINS_IRS2 IRS Vertical Acceleration

ADIFR Vertical Differential Pressure, Radome

AKRD Attack Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure

ALT_G Avionics GPS Altitude (MSL)

ATC Ambient Temperature (Blended ADC & Rosemount), Reference

ATFR Ambient Temperature, Deiced Right

ATHR1 Ambient Temperature, Deiced Right

ATHR2 Ambient Temperature, Deiced Right

ATX Ambient Temperature, Reference

AT_A ADC Ambient Air Temperature

AVGTRNS_LWI CDP Average Transit Time

BDIFR Horizontal Differential Pressure, Radome

CAS_A ADC Computed Air Speed

CDPLBTMP_LWI CDP Laser Block Temperature


CDPLSRP_LWI CDP Laser Power Monitor

CDPWBTMP_LWI CDP Wing Board Temperature

CNT1 CN Counts

CNTEMP_WCN WCN Optics Temperature

CNTS_WCN WCN Accumulated Particle Counts

COMR_AL Carbon Monoxide Mixing Ratio

CONC1DC_LWO 2D-C Concentration, 260X Emulation (all cells)

CONC2C_LWO 2D-C Concentration

CONC2DC_LWO 2D-C Concentraton, Reconstruction (all cells)

CONCD_LWI CDP Concentration (all cell)

CONCN_WCN Condensation Nuclei (CN) Concentration

CONCU100_RWI UHSAS Concentration, .1 micron and bigger

CONCU500_RWI UHSAS Concentration, .5 micron and bigger

CONCU_RWI UHSAS Concentration (all cells)

DBAR1DC_LWO 2D-C Mean Particle Diameter, 260X Emulation

DBAR2DC_LWO 2D-C Mean Particle Diameter, Reconstruction

DBARD_LWI CDP Mean Particle Diameter

DBARU_RWI UHSAS Mean Particle Diameter

DBZ1DC_LWO 2D-C Calculated Reflectivity, 260X Emulation

DBZ2DC_LWO 2D-C Calculated Reflectivity, Reconstruction

DBZD_LWI CDP Calculated Reflectivity

DISP1DC_LWO 2D-C Dispersion, 260X Emulation (sigma/dbarx)

DISP2DC_LWO 2D-C Dispersion, Reconstruction (sigma/dbarx)

DPLC Dew Point Temperature, T-Electric Left

DPLS Dew/Frost Point Temperature, Fuselage Left

DPRC Dew Point Temperature, T-Electric Right

DPRS Dew/Frost Point Temperature, Fuselage Right

DPXC Dew Point Temperature, Reference

DT1DC_LWO Fast 2DC Probe Dead Time

DT2DC_LWO Fast 2DC Probe Dead Time

EDPC Ambient Water Vapor Pressure, Reference

ETCN_WCN WCN Sample Time (Elapsed Time)

FCNC_WCN WCN Sample Flow Rate

FSHCN_WCN WCN Sheath Flow Rate

FTCN_WCN WCN Total Flow Rate

GGALT Reference GPS Altitude (MSL)

GGEOIDHT Reference GPS Height of geoid (MSL) above WGS84 ellipsoid

GGHORDIL Reference GPS Horizontal dilution of position

GGLAT Reference GPS Latitude

GGLON Reference GPS Longitude

GGNSAT Reference GPS number of satellites tracked

GGQUAL Reference GPS Qual, 0=inval,1=GPS,2=DGPS

GGSPD Reference GPS Ground Speed

GGSTATUS Reference GPS rcvr status: 1=OK(A), 0=warning(V)

GGTRK Reference GPS Track Angle

GGVEW Reference GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component

GGVNS Reference GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component

GSF IRS Aircraft Ground Speed

GSF_IRS2 IRS Aircraft Ground Speed

LAT IRS Latitude

LATC GPS-Corrected Inertial Latitude

LON IRS Longitude

LONC GPS-Corrected Inertial Longitude


MACH_A ADC Mach Number

MCN_WCN WCN Current Operating Mode

MR Mixing Ratio, T-Electric

NOSETMP Radome Environmental Box Temperature

ONE Constant value of 1.

OVFLW_LWI CDP AtoD Converter Overflow/Overrange

PACN_WCN WCN Absolute Pressure

PALT NACA Pressure Altitude

PALTF NACA Pressure Altitude

PALT_A ADC Pressure Altitude

PCAB Interior Cabin Static Pressure

PCN_WCN WCN Absolute Pressure

PDUMPPL Pressure of instrument exhaust duct, right

PDUMPPR Pressure of instrument exhaust duct, left

PHIML1 Static Pressure inside of HIMIL @ 434L

PHIML2 Differential Pressure inside of HIMIL @ 434L

PITCH IRS Aircraft Pitch Angle

PITCH_IRS2 IRS Aircraft Pitch Angle

PLWC Raw PMS-King Liquid Water Content Output

PLWC1DC_LWO 2D-C Water/Ice Content, 260X Emulation

PLWC2DC_LWO 2D-C Water/Ice Content, Reconstruction

PLWCC Corrected PMS-King Liquid Water Content

PLWCD_LWI CDP Water/Ice Content

PSF Raw Static Pressure, Fuselage

PSFC Corrected Static Pressure, Fuselage

PSX Raw Static Pressure, Reference

PSXC Corrected Static Pressure, Reference

PS_A ADC Static Pressure

PVOLU_RWI UHSAS Equivalent Volume

QCF Raw Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage

QCFC Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Fuselage

QCR Raw Dynamic Pressure, Radome

QCRC Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Radome

QCX Raw Dynamic Pressure, Reference

QCXC Corrected Dynamic Pressure, Reference

QC_A ADC Impact Pressure

REFF2DC_LWO 1DC Effective Radius

REFFF2DC_LWO 1DC and CDP Effective Radius

REJAT_LWI CDP Average Transit Rejected Particles

REJDOF_LWI CDP Particles Rejected (Outside Depth-of-Field))

RHODR Absolute Humidity, T-Electric Right

RHUM Relative Humidity

RICE Raw Icing-Rate Indicator

ROLL IRS Aircraft Roll Angle

ROLL_IRS2 IRS Aircraft Roll Angle

RPCN_WCN WCN Raw Photometric Value

SFLCN_WCN WCN Status Flags

SHDORC_LWO Fast 2DC Shadow-or count

SSRD Sideslip Angle, Radome Diff. Pressure

TASF Aircraft True Airspeed, Fuselage

TASHC Aircraft True Airspeed, Humidity Corrected

TASR Aircraft True Airspeed, Radome

TASX Aircraft True Airspeed, Reference

TAS_A ADC True Air Speed

TCAB Cabin Temperature at AEROSOL Rack Location

TCNTD_LWI CDP Total Counts (all cells)

TCNTU_RWI UHSAS Total Counts (all cells)

TGCN_WCN WCN Growth Tube Temperature

THDG IRS Aircraft True Heading Angle

THDG_IRS2 IRS Aircraft True Heading Angle

THETA Potential Temperature

THETAE Equivalent Potential Temperature

THETAV Virtual Potential Temperature

THIML1 HIMIL Tip Temperature

THIML2 HIMIL Tip Temperature

THIML3 HIMIL Tip Temperature

THIML4 HIMIL Tip Temperature

TSCN_WCN WCN Saturator Temperature

TTC TTRL/TT_A Filter Adjusted Total Temperature

TTFR Total Temperature, Radome Left

TTHR1 Total Temperature, Deiced Right

TTHR1C Corrected Total Temperature, Deiced Right

TTHR2 Total Temperature, Deiced Right

TTHR2C Corrected Total Temperature, Deiced Right

TTX Total Temperature, Reference

TT_A ADC Total Air Temperature

Time time of measurement

UBTMP_RWI UHSAS Temperature in Canister


UDIFF_RWI UHSAS Absolute Pressure in Canister, signal

UFLWC_RWI UHSAS Corrected Flow

UI Wind Vector, East Component

UIC GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, East Component

UPRESS_RWI UHSAS Absolute Pressure in Canister

UREF_RWI UHSAS Reference Intensity

USCAT_RWI UHSAS Background Scatter



UTEMP_RWI UHSAS Temperature in Canister, signal

UX Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component

UXC GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Longitudinal Component

VEW IRS Ground Speed Vector, East Component

VEWC GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, East Component

VEW_G Avionics GPS Ground Speed Vector, East Component

VEW_IRS2 IRS Ground Speed Vector, East Component

VI Wind Vector, North Component

VIC GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, North Component

VNS IRS Ground Speed Vector, North Component

VNSC GPS-Corrected Inertial Ground Speed Vector, North Component

VNS_G Avionics GPS Ground Speed Vector, North Component

VNS_IRS2 IRS Ground Speed Vector, North Component

VSPD IRS Vertical Speed

VSPD_G Avionics GPS Vertical Velocity

VSPD_IRS2 IRS Vertical Speed

VY Wind Vector, Lateral Component

VYC GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Lateral Component

WD Horizontal Wind Direction

WDC GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Direction

WI Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component

WIC GPS-Corrected Wind Vector, Vertical Gust Component

WP3 Damped Aircraft Vertical Velocity

WS Horizontal Wind Speed

WSC GPS-Corrected Horizontal Wind Speed

XMACH2 Aircraft Mach Number Squared

ZERO Constant value of 0.