RAF Data Files for Project: Cloud RadiativeParameters

    Project no.:  1977-589     Project name:  Cloud Radiative Parameters
       Aircraft:  N595KR       Scientist(s):  Gerald Herman
      Data type:  NTI         Programmer(s):  ?
 Processor used:  GENPRO
  Output format:  GENPRO-I

 HPSS path name:  /EOL/1977/crp/aircraft/electra_n595kr/NTI/GENPRO-I
 HPSS file name:  Gxxxxx              GxxxxxC
     MSS format:  TBM                 COS-blocked copies

                     Date        Start      End         File Sizes (Mbytes)
 fltno   Gxxxxx   mm/dd/yyyy     Time       Time         TBM      COS-blocked
 RF02    G00136   05/24/1977      ?          ?        12.677120*   37.353555*#
 RF03    G00136   05/25/1977      ?          ?
 RF04    G00136   07/13/1977      ?          ?
 RF05    G00136   07/15/1977      ?          ?
 RF06    G00136   07/16/1977      ?          ?
 * Note:  Bitfile size includes multiple flights.
 # Note:  This COS-blocked bitfile was archived directly from the master
           1/2" tape on 22 July 1999 but was subsequently unreadable by
           an old GENPRO tape-dump program, even though the data transferred
           from the tape without error.


The GENPRO data could not be converted to NetCDF.

There is only one file for this dataset, G00136, which is listed as containing five (5) flights. download.py used to throw:

  • Error: could not determine number of output files generated by tbmconv but now that download.py is smart enough to try to use cosconvert on files that fail with tbmconv, it prints
  • Warning: tbmconv failed on G00136, file may not be a TBM archive. Error: Number of files contained in the COS-blocked file G00136 (2) is less than what was recorded in the tape log (5), skipping file.


    The tapelog has this note:

  • This COS-blocked bitfile was archived directly from the master 1/2" tape on 22 July 1999 but was subsequently unreadable by an old GENPRO tape-dump program, even though the data transferred from the tape without error.