Sample HRT NetCDF Header
netcdf RF02.19780728.171553_172058 { dimensions: Time = 306 ; sps10 = 10 ; sps20 = 20 ; sps64 = 64 ; variables: int Time(Time) ; Time:long_name = "time of measurement" ; Time:units = "seconds since 1978-07-28 00:00:00 +0000" ; Time:strptime_format = "seconds since %F %T %z" ; Time:standard_name = "time" ; float TPTIME(Time) ; TPTIME:long_name = "UNALTERED TAPE TIME (SEC) AFTER MIDNIGHT" ; TPTIME:units = "SECONDS" ; TPTIME:actual_range = 62153.f, 62458.f ; TPTIME:SampledRate = 1 ; TPTIME:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSXC1(Time) ; PSXC1:long_name = "CORRECTED STATIC PRESSURE (MB)" ; PSXC1:units = "hPa" ; PSXC1:actual_range = 953.732f, 1016.902f ; PSXC1:SampledRate = 1 ; PSXC1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATX1(Time) ; ATX1:long_name = "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (ROSEMOUNT) (C)" ; ATX1:units = "deg_C" ; ATX1:actual_range = 12.572f, 15.87f ; ATX1:SampledRate = 1 ; ATX1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPXC(Time) ; DPXC:long_name = "DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE (THERMOELEC) (C)" ; DPXC:units = "deg_C" ; DPXC:actual_range = 7.587997f, 11.945f ; DPXC:SampledRate = 1 ; DPXC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPLAC1(Time) ; DPLAC1:long_name = "DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE (LYMAN-ALPHA) (C)" ; DPLAC1:units = "deg_C" ; DPLAC1:actual_range = -18.258f, -10.389f ; DPLAC1:SampledRate = 1 ; DPLAC1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RHOTD(Time) ; RHOTD:long_name = "ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY (THERMOELEC) (G/M3)" ; RHOTD:units = "G/M2" ; RHOTD:actual_range = 7.889f, 10.487f ; RHOTD:SampledRate = 1 ; RHOTD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RHOLA1(Time) ; RHOLA1:long_name = "ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY (LYMAN-ALPHA) (G/M3)" ; RHOLA1:units = "gram/m3" ; RHOLA1:actual_range = 1.095001f, 2.084999f ; RHOLA1:SampledRate = 1 ; RHOLA1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WDRCTN(Time) ; WDRCTN:long_name = "HORIZONTAL WIND DIRECTION (DEG)" ; WDRCTN:units = "degree" ; WDRCTN:actual_range = 151.648f, 199.64f ; WDRCTN:SampledRate = 1 ; WDRCTN:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WSPD(Time) ; WSPD:long_name = "HORIZONTAL WIND SPEED (M/S)" ; WSPD:units = "m/s" ; WSPD:actual_range = 8.509f, 14.813f ; WSPD:SampledRate = 1 ; WSPD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UI1(Time) ; UI1:long_name = "WIND VECTOR EAST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; UI1:units = "m/s" ; UI1:actual_range = -5.477997f, 4.007004f ; UI1:SampledRate = 1 ; UI1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VI1(Time) ; VI1:long_name = "WIND VECTOR NORTH COMPONENT (M/S)" ; VI1:units = "m/s" ; VI1:actual_range = 8.404999f, 14.795f ; VI1:SampledRate = 1 ; VI1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WI1(Time) ; WI1:long_name = "WIND VECTOR VERT GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; WI1:units = "m/s" ; WI1:actual_range = -1.773003f, 6.353996f ; WI1:SampledRate = 1 ; WI1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UX1(Time) ; UX1:long_name = "WIND VECTOR LNGTDNL COMPONENT (M/S)" ; UX1:units = "m/s" ; UX1:actual_range = -11.013f, -3.589005f ; UX1:SampledRate = 1 ; UX1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VY1(Time) ; VY1:long_name = "WIND VECTOR LATERAL COMPONENT (M/S)" ; VY1:units = "m/s" ; VY1:actual_range = 5.944f, 13.619f ; VY1:SampledRate = 1 ; VY1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LAT(Time) ; LAT:long_name = "RAW INS LATITUDE (DEG)" ; LAT:units = "degree_N" ; LAT:Category = "Position" ; LAT:standard_name = "latitude" ; LAT:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ; LAT:actual_range = 55.412f, 55.535f ; LAT:SampledRate = 1 ; LAT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LON(Time) ; LON:long_name = "RAW INS LONGITUDE (DEG)" ; LON:units = "degree_E" ; LON:Category = "Position" ; LON:standard_name = "longitude" ; LON:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; LON:actual_range = -6.037994f, -5.792999f ; LON:SampledRate = 1 ; LON:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HP(Time) ; HP:long_name = "NACA PRESSURE ALTITUDE (M)" ; HP:units = "m" ; HP:actual_range = -30.29999f, 507.5f ; HP:SampledRate = 1 ; HP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HI31(Time) ; HI31:long_name = "PRESSURE DAMPED INERTIAL ALTITUDE (M)" ; HI31:units = "m" ; HI31:actual_range = -29.f, 507.3f ; HI31:SampledRate = 1 ; HI31:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HGM(Time) ; HGM:long_name = "GEOMETRIC (RADIO) ALTITUDE (M)" ; HGM:units = "m" ; HGM:actual_range = 0.439003f, 538.831f ; HGM:SampledRate = 1 ; HGM:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float GSF1(Time) ; GSF1:long_name = "RAW AIRCRAFT (INS) GROUND SPEED (M/S)" ; GSF1:units = "m/s" ; GSF1:actual_range = 25.635f, 85.925f ; GSF1:SampledRate = 1 ; GSF1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VEW1(Time) ; VEW1:long_name = "AIRCRAFT GROUND SPD EAST COMP (M/S)" ; VEW1:units = "m/s" ; VEW1:actual_range = 24.94202f, 71.09399f ; VEW1:SampledRate = 1 ; VEW1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VNS1(Time) ; VNS1:long_name = "AIRCRAFT GROUND SPD NORTH COMP (M/S)" ; VNS1:units = "m/s" ; VNS1:actual_range = -63.87f, -5.920013f ; VNS1:SampledRate = 1 ; VNS1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DEI(Time) ; DEI:long_name = "DISTANCE EAST OF START (KM)" ; DEI:units = "km" ; DEI:actual_range = -61.8999f, -46.3999f ; DEI:SampledRate = 1 ; DEI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DNI(Time) ; DNI:long_name = "DISTANCE NORTH OF START (KM)" ; DNI:units = "km" ; DNI:actual_range = 32.1001f, 45.7002f ; DNI:SampledRate = 1 ; DNI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WP31(Time) ; WP31:long_name = "DAMPED AIRCRAFT VERT VELOCITY (M/S)" ; WP31:units = "m/s" ; WP31:actual_range = -5.262001f, 1.579002f ; WP31:SampledRate = 1 ; WP31:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CGAC1(Time) ; CGAC1:long_name = "AIRCRAFT C.G. VERT ACCELERATION (M/S2)" ; CGAC1:units = "m/s2" ; CGAC1:actual_range = -0.7850037f, 0.4629974f ; CGAC1:SampledRate = 1 ; CGAC1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THF1(Time) ; THF1:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE HEADING (YAW) (DEG)" ; THF1:units = "degree" ; THF1:actual_range = 102.882f, 159.696f ; THF1:SampledRate = 1 ; THF1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ROLL1(Time) ; ROLL1:long_name = "AIRCRAFT ROLL ATTITUDE ANGLE (DEG)" ; ROLL1:units = "degree" ; ROLL1:actual_range = -14.788f, 7.216003f ; ROLL1:SampledRate = 1 ; ROLL1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PITCH1(Time) ; PITCH1:long_name = "AIRCRAFT PITCH ATTITUDE ANGLE (DEG)" ; PITCH1:units = "degree" ; PITCH1:actual_range = -4.250999f, 3.391998f ; PITCH1:SampledRate = 1 ; PITCH1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TASX1(Time) ; TASX1:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE AIRSPEED (M/S)" ; TASX1:units = "m/s" ; TASX1:actual_range = 33.645f, 92.166f ; TASX1:SampledRate = 1 ; TASX1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PRT5(Time) ; PRT5:long_name = "RAW RADIOMTRC SURFACE TEMP (PRT-5)(C)" ; PRT5:units = "deg_C" ; PRT5:actual_range = 15.47f, 25.767f ; PRT5:SampledRate = 1 ; PRT5:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float C(Time) ; C:long_name = "CRCTD RADIOMTRC TEMP (PRT-6)(C) (8-13UM) PRT6C" ; C:units = "unk" ; C:actual_range = 3.054001f, 12.87f ; C:SampledRate = 1 ; C:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UPYR1(Time) ; UPYR1:long_name = "DOWNWARD SW/WG-7 IRRADIANCE (WATTS/M2)" ; UPYR1:units = "W/M2" ; UPYR1:actual_range = 132.378f, 608.506f ; UPYR1:SampledRate = 1 ; UPYR1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UPYR2(Time) ; UPYR2:long_name = "DOWNWARD SW/OG-1 IRRADIANCE (WATTS/M2)" ; UPYR2:units = "W/M2" ; UPYR2:actual_range = 93.70399f, 482.814f ; UPYR2:SampledRate = 1 ; UPYR2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UPYR3(Time) ; UPYR3:long_name = "DOWNWARD SW/RG-8 IRRADIANCE (WATTS/M2)" ; UPYR3:units = "W/M2" ; UPYR3:actual_range = 55.468f, 323.72f ; UPYR3:SampledRate = 1 ; UPYR3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LPYR1W_M2(Time) ; LPYR1W_M2:long_name = "UPWARD SW/WG-7 IRRADIANCE (WATTS/M2)" ; LPYR1W_M2:units = "unk" ; LPYR1W_M2:actual_range = -5.615997f, 40.18401f ; LPYR1W_M2:SampledRate = 1 ; LPYR1W_M2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LPYR2(Time) ; LPYR2:long_name = "UPWARD SW/OG-1 IRRADIANCE (WATTS/M2)" ; LPYR2:units = "W/M2" ; LPYR2:actual_range = -4.134003f, 34.856f ; LPYR2:SampledRate = 1 ; LPYR2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LPYR3(Time) ; LPYR3:long_name = "UPWARD SW/RG-8 IRRADIANCE (WATTS/M2)" ; LPYR3:units = "W/M2" ; LPYR3:actual_range = -11.436f, 30.422f ; LPYR3:SampledRate = 1 ; LPYR3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UPYRGCW_M2_\:(Time) ; UPYRGCW_M2_\::long_name = "CRCTD DOWNWARD IR IRRADIANCE (W/M2)" ; UPYRGCW_M2_\::units = "unk" ; UPYRGCW_M2_\::actual_range = 357.496f, 389.59f ; UPYRGCW_M2_\::SampledRate = 1 ; UPYRGCW_M2_\::_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LPYRGCW_M2_\:(Time) ; LPYRGCW_M2_\::long_name = "CRCTD UPWARD IR IRRADIANCE (W/M2)" ; LPYRGCW_M2_\::units = "unk" ; LPYRGCW_M2_\::actual_range = 389.672f, 438.358f ; LPYRGCW_M2_\::SampledRate = 1 ; LPYRGCW_M2_\::_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LWCC(Time) ; LWCC:long_name = "CRCTD J-W LIQUID WATER CONTENT (G/M3)" ; LWCC:units = "gram/m3" ; LWCC:actual_range = 1.817001f, 4.896004f ; LWCC:SampledRate = 1 ; LWCC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTB1(Time) ; TTB1:long_name = "TOTAL TEMPERATURE(NOSEBOOM ROSEMOUNT)(C" ; TTB1:units = "deg_C" ; TTB1:actual_range = 16.08f, 17.978f ; TTB1:SampledRate = 1 ; TTB1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTF1(Time) ; TTF1:long_name = "TOTAL TEMP (FUSELAGE ROSEMOUNT) (C)" ; TTF1:units = "deg_C" ; TTF1:actual_range = 15.915f, 17.806f ; TTF1:SampledRate = 1 ; TTF1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPL(Time) ; DPL:long_name = "DEW/FROST POINT TEMP (L THERMOELEC) (C)" ; DPL:units = "deg_C" ; DPL:actual_range = 7.587997f, 11.945f ; DPL:SampledRate = 1 ; DPL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPR(Time) ; DPR:long_name = "DEW/FROST POINT TEMP (R THERMOELEC) (C)" ; DPR:units = "deg_C" ; DPR:actual_range = 6.364998f, 11.502f ; DPR:SampledRate = 1 ; DPR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSW1(Time) ; PSW1:long_name = "RAW STATIC PRESSURE (WINGTIP) (MB)" ; PSW1:units = "hPa" ; PSW1:actual_range = 954.936f, 1017.39f ; PSW1:SampledRate = 1 ; PSW1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCW1(Time) ; QCW1:long_name = "RAW DYNAMIC PRESSURE (WINGTIP) (MB)" ; QCW1:units = "hPa" ; QCW1:actual_range = 6.786003f, 49.314f ; QCW1:SampledRate = 1 ; QCW1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSB1(Time) ; PSB1:long_name = "RAW STATIC PRESSURE (NOSEBOOM) (MB)" ; PSB1:units = "hPa" ; PSB1:actual_range = 958.23f, 1018.478f ; PSB1:SampledRate = 1 ; PSB1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCB1(Time) ; QCB1:long_name = "RAW DYNAMIC PRESSURE (NOSEBOOM) (MB)" ; QCB1:units = "hPa" ; QCB1:actual_range = 5.830002f, 46.27699f ; QCB1:SampledRate = 1 ; QCB1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ALPHA(Time) ; ALPHA:long_name = "INS WANDER ANGLE (DEG)" ; ALPHA:units = "degree" ; ALPHA:actual_range = 275.565f, 275.766f ; ALPHA:SampledRate = 1 ; ALPHA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THI(Time) ; THI:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE HEADING (ARINC) (DEG)" ; THI:units = "degree" ; THI:actual_range = 102.937f, 159.705f ; THI:SampledRate = 1 ; THI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UPYRG(Time) ; UPYRG:long_name = "RAW DOWNWARD IR IRRADIANCE (W/M2)" ; UPYRG:units = "W/M2" ; UPYRG:actual_range = -47.09f, -9.558014f ; UPYRG:SampledRate = 1 ; UPYRG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LPYRG(Time) ; LPYRG:long_name = "RAW UPWARD IR IRRADIANCE (W/M2)" ; LPYRG:units = "W/M2" ; LPYRG:actual_range = -18.07001f, 27.07599f ; LPYRG:SampledRate = 1 ; LPYRG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UPYRWT(Time) ; UPYRWT:long_name = "UPPER PYRGEOMETER DOME TEMP (C)" ; UPYRWT:units = "deg_C" ; UPYRWT:actual_range = 15.62f, 19.023f ; UPYRWT:SampledRate = 1 ; UPYRWT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UPYRST(Time) ; UPYRST:long_name = "UPPER PYRGEOMETER SINK TEMP (C)" ; UPYRST:units = "deg_C" ; UPYRST:actual_range = 13.981f, 18.744f ; UPYRST:SampledRate = 1 ; UPYRST:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LPYRWT(Time) ; LPYRWT:long_name = "LOWER PYRGEOMETER DOME TEMP (C)" ; LPYRWT:units = "deg_C" ; LPYRWT:actual_range = 16.116f, 19.385f ; LPYRWT:SampledRate = 1 ; LPYRWT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LPRYST(Time) ; LPRYST:long_name = "LOWER PYRGEOMETER SINK TEMP (C)" ; LPRYST:units = "deg_C" ; LPRYST:actual_range = 13.844f, 18.205f ; LPRYST:SampledRate = 1 ; LPRYST:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PRTWT(Time) ; PRTWT:long_name = "PRT-6 IRTRAN WINDOW TEMPERATURE (C)" ; PRTWT:units = "deg_C" ; PRTWT:actual_range = 13.099f, 17.089f ; PRTWT:SampledRate = 1 ; PRTWT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PRT-6(Time) ; PRT-6:long_name = "RAW RADIOMTRC TEMP (PRT-6)(C) (8-13UM)" ; PRT-6:units = "deg_C" ; PRT-6:actual_range = -11.327f, 4.249001f ; PRT-6:SampledRate = 1 ; PRT-6:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PRT5R(Time) ; PRT5R:long_name = "PRT-5 RANGE" ; PRT5R:units = "unk" ; PRT5R:actual_range = 2.f, 2.f ; PRT5R:SampledRate = 1 ; PRT5R:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LWC(Time) ; LWC:long_name = "RAW J-W LIQUID WATER CONTENT (G/M3)" ; LWC:units = "gram/m3" ; LWC:actual_range = 1.227997f, 1.258003f ; LWC:SampledRate = 1 ; LWC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PCAB(Time) ; PCAB:long_name = "CABIN PRESSURE (MB)" ; PCAB:units = "hPa" ; PCAB:actual_range = 1003.02f, 1030.51f ; PCAB:SampledRate = 1 ; PCAB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CAMFC(Time) ; CAMFC:long_name = "16MM CAMERA FRAME COUNT" ; CAMFC:units = "unk" ; CAMFC:actual_range = 1995.f, 1995.f ; CAMFC:SampledRate = 1 ; CAMFC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float EVMRKS(Time) ; EVMRKS:long_name = "EVENT MARKER WORD (16 BITS)" ; EVMRKS:units = "unk" ; EVMRKS:actual_range = 41472.f, 42496.f ; EVMRKS:SampledRate = 1 ; EVMRKS:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UPDATE(Time) ; UPDATE:long_name = "INS/KNOLLENBERG UPDATE FLAGS" ; UPDATE:units = "unk" ; UPDATE:actual_range = 29120.f, 32704.f ; UPDATE:SampledRate = 1 ; UPDATE:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TMLAG(Time) ; TMLAG:long_name = "LTN-51 ARINC TIMELAG (SEC)" ; TMLAG:units = "SECONDS" ; TMLAG:actual_range = -1.629997f, -0.6299973f ; TMLAG:SampledRate = 1 ; TMLAG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FZV(Time) ; FZV:long_name = "FIXED ZERO VOLTAGE (VDC)" ; FZV:units = "Vdc" ; FZV:actual_range = -0.001998901f, 0.007003784f ; FZV:SampledRate = 1 ; FZV:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATKP(Time, sps20) ; ATKP:long_name = "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (FAST RESPONSE) (C)" ; ATKP:units = "deg_C" ; ATKP:actual_range = 12.422f, 15.955f ; ATKP:SampledRate = 20 ; ATKP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATBC(Time, sps20) ; ATBC:long_name = "AMBIENT TEMP (COMPNSTD BOOM ROSMNT) (C)" ; ATBC:units = "deg_C" ; ATBC:actual_range = 12.968f, 16.327f ; ATBC:SampledRate = 20 ; ATBC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UI(Time, sps20) ; UI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR EAST GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; UI:units = "m/s" ; UI:actual_range = -4.503006f, 4.007004f ; UI:SampledRate = 20 ; UI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VI(Time, sps20) ; VI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR NORTH GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; VI:units = "m/s" ; VI:actual_range = 6.020004f, 16.021f ; VI:SampledRate = 20 ; VI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WI(Time, sps20) ; WI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR VERT GUST COMPONENT(HR)(M/S)" ; WI:units = "m/s" ; WI:actual_range = -2.163002f, 6.540001f ; WI:SampledRate = 20 ; WI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UX(Time, sps20) ; UX:long_name = "WIND VECTOR LNGTDNL GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; UX:units = "m/s" ; UX:actual_range = -11.895f, -0.9519958f ; UX:SampledRate = 20 ; UX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VY(Time, sps20) ; VY:long_name = "WIND VECTOR LATERAL GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; VY:units = "m/s" ; VY:actual_range = 5.529007f, 14.58299f ; VY:SampledRate = 20 ; VY:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RHOLA(Time, sps20) ; RHOLA:long_name = "ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY (LYMAN-ALPHA) (G/M3)" ; RHOLA:units = "gram/m3" ; RHOLA:actual_range = 1.079002f, 2.098999f ; RHOLA:SampledRate = 20 ; RHOLA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LAV(Time, sps20) ; LAV:long_name = "RAW LYMAN-ALPHA HYGROMETER OUTPUT (VDC)" ; LAV:units = "Vdc" ; LAV:actual_range = -1.639f, -1.150002f ; LAV:SampledRate = 20 ; LAV:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTKP(Time, sps20) ; TTKP:long_name = "TOTAL TEMPERATURE (FAST RESPONSE) (C)" ; TTKP:units = "deg_C" ; TTKP:actual_range = 15.855f, 17.454f ; TTKP:SampledRate = 20 ; TTKP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTB(Time, sps20) ; TTB:long_name = "TOTAL TEMPERATURE(NOSEBOOM ROSEMOUNT)(C)" ; TTB:units = "deg_C" ; TTB:actual_range = 16.098f, 18.143f ; TTB:SampledRate = 20 ; TTB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTBC(Time, sps20) ; TTBC:long_name = "TOTAL TEMP (COMPENSATED BOOM ROSMNT) (C)" ; TTBC:units = "deg_C" ; TTBC:actual_range = 16.029f, 18.206f ; TTBC:SampledRate = 20 ; TTBC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCG(Time, sps20) ; QCG:long_name = "RAW DYNAMIC PRESSURE (GUST PROBE) (MB)" ; QCG:units = "hPa" ; QCG:actual_range = 4.109001f, 47.341f ; QCG:SampledRate = 20 ; QCG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float AROT(Time, sps20) ; AROT:long_name = "ATTACK ANGLE (ROTATING VANE) (DEG)" ; AROT:units = "degree" ; AROT:actual_range = -2.850998f, 5.511002f ; AROT:SampledRate = 20 ; AROT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float AFIX(Time, sps20) ; AFIX:long_name = "ATTACK ANGLE (FIXED VANE) (DEG)" ; AFIX:units = "degree" ; AFIX:actual_range = -5.864998f, 5.220001f ; AFIX:SampledRate = 20 ; AFIX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BROT(Time, sps20) ; BROT:long_name = "SIDESLIP ANGLE (ROTATING VANE) (DEG)" ; BROT:units = "degree" ; BROT:actual_range = -0.8990021f, 14.691f ; BROT:SampledRate = 20 ; BROT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BFIX(Time, sps20) ; BFIX:long_name = "SIDESLIP ANGLE (FIXED VANE) (DEG)" ; BFIX:units = "degree" ; BFIX:actual_range = -2.084f, 13.889f ; BFIX:SampledRate = 20 ; BFIX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VAC(Time, sps20) ; VAC:long_name = "GUST PROBE TIP VERT ACCELERATION (M/S2)" ; VAC:units = "m/s2" ; VAC:actual_range = -12.397f, 14.212f ; VAC:SampledRate = 20 ; VAC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LAC(Time, sps20) ; LAC:long_name = "GUST PROBE TIP LATERAL ACCEL. (M/S2)" ; LAC:units = "m/s2" ; LAC:actual_range = -20.248f, 12.539f ; LAC:SampledRate = 20 ; LAC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CGAC(Time, sps20) ; CGAC:long_name = "AIRCRAFT C.G. VERT ACCEL. (HR) (M/S2)" ; CGAC:units = "m/s2" ; CGAC:actual_range = -2.940002f, 2.842003f ; CGAC:SampledRate = 20 ; CGAC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VZI(Time, sps20) ; VZI:long_name = "RAW INS VERTICAL VELOCITY (M/S)" ; VZI:units = "m/s" ; VZI:actual_range = -0.1699219f, 10.8999f ; VZI:SampledRate = 20 ; VZI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ROLL(Time, sps20) ; ROLL:long_name = "AIRCRAFT ROLL ATTITUDE ANGLE (DEG)" ; ROLL:units = "degree" ; ROLL:actual_range = -14.922f, 7.681f ; ROLL:SampledRate = 20 ; ROLL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PITCH(Time, sps20) ; PITCH:long_name = "AIRCRAFT PITCH ATTITUDE ANGLE (DEG)" ; PITCH:units = "degree" ; PITCH:actual_range = -4.309998f, 3.419998f ; PITCH:SampledRate = 20 ; PITCH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THF(Time, sps20) ; THF:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE HEADING (YAW) (DEG)" ; THF:units = "degree" ; THF:actual_range = 102.755f, 159.716f ; THF:SampledRate = 20 ; THF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float XVI(Time, sps20) ; XVI:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD X COMPONENT (M/S)" ; XVI:units = "m/s" ; XVI:actual_range = -75.36499f, -24.483f ; XVI:SampledRate = 20 ; XVI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float YVI(Time, sps20) ; YVI:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD Y COMPONENT (M/S)" ; YVI:units = "m/s" ; YVI:actual_range = 2.165985f, 59.36603f ; YVI:SampledRate = 20 ; YVI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float KNLBG(Time, sps64) ; KNLBG:long_name = "KNOLLENBERG 64 WORDS" ; KNLBG:units = "COUNTS" ; KNLBG:actual_range = 0.f, 13107.f ; KNLBG:SampledRate = 64 ; KNLBG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DMESTN(Time, sps10) ; DMESTN:long_name = "DME STATION IDENT. (CHANNEL NUMBER)" ; DMESTN:units = "CHANNEL" ; DMESTN:actual_range = 0.f, 122.f ; DMESTN:SampledRate = 10 ; DMESTN:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DMERNG(Time, sps10) ; DMERNG:long_name = "DME AIRCRAFT-TO-STATION DISTANCE (NMI)" ; DMERNG:units = "NMI" ; DMERNG:actual_range = 0.f, 70.22f ; DMERNG:SampledRate = 10 ; DMERNG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FO3PR(Time) ; FO3PR:long_name = "FAST OZONE PRESSURE (VDC)" ; FO3PR:units = "Vdc" ; FO3PR:actual_range = -0.01499939f, -0.001998901f ; FO3PR:SampledRate = 1 ; FO3PR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FO3FL(Time) ; FO3FL:long_name = "FAST OZONE FLOW (VDC)" ; FO3FL:units = "Vdc" ; FO3FL:actual_range = -0.001998901f, 0.007003784f ; FO3FL:SampledRate = 1 ; FO3FL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float NDO3(Time) ; NDO3:long_name = "NCAR DASIBI OZONE (VDC)" ; NDO3:units = "Vdc" ; NDO3:actual_range = -0.4929962f, -0.4710007f ; NDO3:SampledRate = 1 ; NDO3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float \4(Time) ; \4:long_name = "OPEN ANALOG CHANNEL 4 (VDC) OPEN" ; \4:units = "Vdc" ; \4:actual_range = -0.1100006f, -0.09300232f ; \4:SampledRate = 1 ; \4:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FTEMP(Time) ; FTEMP:long_name = "FRIEHE TEMPERATURE (THERMISTOR) (VDC)" ; FTEMP:units = "Vdc" ; FTEMP:actual_range = 5.625f, 5.637001f ; FTEMP:SampledRate = 1 ; FTEMP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FCWT(Time, sps20) ; FCWT:long_name = "FRIEHE COLD WIRE (TEMPERATURE) (VDC)" ; FCWT:units = "Vdc" ; FCWT:actual_range = 0.348999f, 0.3830032f ; FCWT:SampledRate = 20 ; FCWT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FCWA(Time, sps20) ; FCWA:long_name = "FRIEHE COLD WIRE (AMPLIFIED) (VDC)" ; FCWA:units = "Vdc" ; FCWA:actual_range = -0.9589996f, -0.9329987f ; FCWA:SampledRate = 20 ; FCWA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FCWD(Time, sps20) ; FCWD:long_name = "FRIEHE COLD WIRE (DERIVATIVE) (VDC)" ; FCWD:units = "Vdc" ; FCWD:actual_range = -1.218002f, -1.171997f ; FCWD:SampledRate = 20 ; FCWD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FHWV(Time, sps20) ; FHWV:long_name = "FRIEHE HOT WIRE (VELOCITY) (VDC)" ; FHWV:units = "Vdc" ; FHWV:actual_range = -0.08200073f, -0.03900146f ; FHWV:SampledRate = 20 ; FHWV:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FHWA(Time, sps20) ; FHWA:long_name = "FRIEHE HOT WIRE (AMPLIFIED) (VDC)" ; FHWA:units = "Vdc" ; FHWA:actual_range = 0.2269974f, 0.2509995f ; FHWA:SampledRate = 20 ; FHWA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FHWD(Time, sps20) ; FHWD:long_name = "FRIEHE HOT WIRE (DERIVATIVE) (VDC)" ; FHWD:units = "Vdc" ; FHWD:actual_range = -2.755997f, -2.726997f ; FHWD:SampledRate = 20 ; FHWD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float NOAAWH(Time, sps20) ; NOAAWH:long_name = "NOAA WAVE HEIGHT DETECTOR (VDC)" ; NOAAWH:units = "Vdc" ; NOAAWH:actual_range = -0.1320038f, 0.3079987f ; NOAAWH:SampledRate = 20 ; NOAAWH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float STED-O3(Time, sps20) ; STED-O3:long_name = "STEDMAN OZONE (COUNTS)" ; STED-O3:units = "COUNTS" ; STED-O3:actual_range = 0.f, 0.f ; STED-O3:SampledRate = 20 ; STED-O3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; // global attributes: :institution = "NCAR Research Aviation Facility" ; :Address = "P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000" ; :creator_url = "" ; :Conventions = "NCAR-RAF/nimbus" ; :ConventionsURL = "" ; :ConventionsVersion = "1.3" ; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF-1.0" ; :time_coordinate = "Time" ; :Phone = "(303) 497-1030" ; :ProcessorURL = "" ; :ProcessorRevision = "8ff1ae2e-dirty" ; :Categories = "Position,Thermodynamic,Aircraft State,Atmos. State" ; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up" ; :date_created = "2016-08-09T18:36:14 +0000" ; :Platform = "N308D" ; :wind_field = "WSPD WDRCTN WI" ; :time_coverage_start = "1978-07-28T17:15:53 +0000" ; :time_coverage_end = "1978-07-28T17:20:58 +0000" ; :TimeInterval = "17:15:53-17:20:58" ; :FlightDate = "07/28/1978" ; :geospatial_lat_min = 55.412f ; :geospatial_lat_max = 55.535f ; :latitude_coordinate = "LAT" ; :geospatial_lon_min = -6.037994f ; :geospatial_lon_max = -5.792999f ; :longitude_coordinate = "LON" ; :zaxis_coordinate = "HP" ; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m" ; :geospatial_vertical_min = -30.29999f ; :geospatial_vertical_max = 507.5f ; :DESCRIPTION = "865-02 JASIN 28JUL78 PASS 2 10/15/57" ; :CYCLE_TIME = 1.f ; :FlightNumber = "RF02" ; :ProjectName = "JASIN (Joint Air Sea INteraction experiment)" ; :converted_from = "G32178" ; }
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