Sample LRT Header NetCDF format
netcdf RF01.19821218.120158_130545 { dimensions: Time = 3828 ; variables: int Time(Time) ; Time:long_name = "time of measurement" ; Time:units = "seconds since 1982-12-18 00:00:00 +0000" ; Time:strptime_format = "seconds since %F %T %z" ; Time:standard_name = "time" ; float TPTIME(Time) ; TPTIME:long_name = "UNALTERED TAPE TIME (SEC) AFTER MIDNIGHT" ; TPTIME:units = "s" ; TPTIME:actual_range = 43318.f, 47145.f ; TPTIME:SampledRate = 1 ; TPTIME:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TMLAG(Time) ; TMLAG:long_name = "LTN-51 ARINC TIME LAG (SEC)" ; TMLAG:units = "s" ; TMLAG:actual_range = -0.6600037f, -0.6200027f ; TMLAG:SampledRate = 1 ; TMLAG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LAT(Time) ; LAT:long_name = "RAW INS LATITUDE (DEG)" ; LAT:units = "degree_N" ; LAT:Category = "Position" ; LAT:standard_name = "latitude" ; LAT:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ; LAT:actual_range = 39.909f, 40.909f ; LAT:SampledRate = 1 ; LAT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LON(Time) ; LON:long_name = "RAW INS LONGITUDE (DEG)" ; LON:units = "degree_E" ; LON:Category = "Position" ; LON:standard_name = "longitude" ; LON:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; LON:actual_range = -105.134f, -104.013f ; LON:SampledRate = 1 ; LON:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THI(Time) ; THI:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE HEADING (ARINC) (DEG)" ; THI:units = "degree" ; THI:actual_range = 0.1819992f, 359.913f ; THI:SampledRate = 1 ; THI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ALPHA(Time) ; ALPHA:long_name = "INS WANDER ANGLE (DEG)" ; ALPHA:units = "degree" ; ALPHA:actual_range = 179.301f, 180.028f ; ALPHA:SampledRate = 1 ; ALPHA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float XVI(Time) ; XVI:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD X COMPONENT (M/S)" ; XVI:units = "m/s" ; XVI:actual_range = -151.927f, 162.291f ; XVI:SampledRate = 1 ; XVI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float YVI(Time) ; YVI:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD Y COMPONENT (M/S)" ; YVI:units = "m/s" ; YVI:actual_range = -145.525f, 168.173f ; YVI:SampledRate = 1 ; YVI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float GSF(Time) ; GSF:long_name = "AIRCRAFT GROUND SPEED (M/S)" ; GSF:units = "m/s" ; GSF:actual_range = 31.302f, 183.456f ; GSF:SampledRate = 1 ; GSF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PITCH(Time) ; PITCH:long_name = "AIRCRAFT PITCH ATTITUDE ANGLE (DEG)" ; PITCH:units = "degree" ; PITCH:actual_range = -7.565002f, 17.006f ; PITCH:SampledRate = 1 ; PITCH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ROLL(Time) ; ROLL:long_name = "AIRCRAFT ROLL ATTITUDE ANGLE (DEG)" ; ROLL:units = "degree" ; ROLL:actual_range = -46.059f, 47.23801f ; ROLL:SampledRate = 1 ; ROLL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THF(Time) ; THF:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE HEADING (YAW) (DEG)" ; THF:units = "degree" ; THF:actual_range = 0.08499908f, 359.854f ; THF:SampledRate = 1 ; THF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VZI(Time) ; VZI:long_name = "RAW INS VERTICAL VELOCITY (M/S)" ; VZI:units = "m/s" ; VZI:actual_range = 88.44f, 167.519f ; VZI:SampledRate = 1 ; VZI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCF(Time) ; QCF:long_name = "RAW DYNAMIC PRESSURE (FUSL) (MB)" ; QCF:units = "hPa" ; QCF:actual_range = 10.26f, 153.933f ; QCF:SampledRate = 1 ; QCF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCB(Time) ; QCB:long_name = "RAW DYNAMIC PRESSURE (BOOM) (MB)" ; QCB:units = "hPa" ; QCB:actual_range = 9.283997f, 140.961f ; QCB:SampledRate = 1 ; QCB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCFC(Time) ; QCFC:long_name = "CORRECTED DYNAMIC PRESR (FUSL) (MB)" ; QCFC:units = "hPa" ; QCFC:actual_range = 10.735f, 145.968f ; QCFC:SampledRate = 1 ; QCFC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCBC(Time) ; QCBC:long_name = "CORRECTED DYNAMIC PRESR (BOOM) (MB)" ; QCBC:units = "hPa" ; QCBC:actual_range = 9.653999f, 146.472f ; QCBC:SampledRate = 1 ; QCBC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSF(Time) ; PSF:long_name = "RAW STATIC PRESSURE (FUSL) (MB)" ; PSF:units = "hPa" ; PSF:actual_range = 526.141f, 829.141f ; PSF:SampledRate = 1 ; PSF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSB(Time) ; PSB:long_name = "RAW STATIC PRESSURE (BOOM) (MB)" ; PSB:units = "hPa" ; PSB:actual_range = 534.019f, 830.559f ; PSB:SampledRate = 1 ; PSB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSFC(Time) ; PSFC:long_name = "CORRECTED STATIC PRESR (FUSELAGE) (MB)" ; PSFC:units = "hPa" ; PSFC:actual_range = 529.537f, 828.667f ; PSFC:SampledRate = 1 ; PSFC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSBC(Time) ; PSBC:long_name = "CORRECTED STATIC PRESSURE (BOOM) (MB)" ; PSBC:units = "hPa" ; PSBC:actual_range = 531.814f, 830.559f ; PSBC:SampledRate = 1 ; PSBC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HP(Time) ; HP:long_name = "NACA PRESSURE ALTITUDE (M)" ; HP:units = "m" ; HP:actual_range = 1644.9f, 5114.8f ; HP:SampledRate = 1 ; HP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTF(Time) ; TTF:long_name = "TOTAL TEMPERATURE (FUSL) (C)" ; TTF:units = "deg_C" ; TTF:actual_range = -22.745f, 7.836998f ; TTF:SampledRate = 1 ; TTF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTFH(Time) ; TTFH:long_name = "TOTAL TEMP. (DEICED ROSE) (C)" ; TTFH:units = "deg_C" ; TTFH:actual_range = -22.873f, 7.509003f ; TTFH:SampledRate = 1 ; TTFH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATF(Time) ; ATF:long_name = "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (FUSL) (C)" ; ATF:units = "deg_C" ; ATF:actual_range = -29.522f, 4.083f ; ATF:SampledRate = 1 ; ATF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATFH(Time) ; ATFH:long_name = "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DEIC ROSE)(C)" ; ATFH:units = "deg_C" ; ATFH:actual_range = -30.34f, 2.720001f ; ATFH:SampledRate = 1 ; ATFH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DP(Time) ; DP:long_name = "DEW/FROST POINT TEMPERATURE (C)" ; DP:units = "deg_C" ; DP:actual_range = -39.416f, -15.037f ; DP:SampledRate = 1 ; DP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPC(Time) ; DPC:long_name = "DEW POINT TEMPERATURE(C)" ; DPC:units = "deg_C" ; DPC:actual_range = -43.078f, -16.809f ; DPC:SampledRate = 1 ; DPC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPGE(Time) ; DPGE:long_name = "DEW/FROST POINT TEMP. GE (C)" ; DPGE:units = "deg_C" ; DPGE:actual_range = -20.538f, -3.530998f ; DPGE:SampledRate = 1 ; DPGE:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPGEC(Time) ; DPGEC:long_name = "DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE(GE)(C)" ; DPGEC:units = "deg_C" ; DPGEC:actual_range = -22.844f, -3.982002f ; DPGEC:SampledRate = 1 ; DPGEC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPGEV(Time) ; DPGEV:long_name = "DEW PT GE. CONTROL VOLTAGE (C)" ; DPGEV:units = "deg_C" ; DPGEV:actual_range = -10.29f, -2.503998f ; DPGEV:SampledRate = 1 ; DPGEV:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RHOTD(Time) ; RHOTD:long_name = "ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY (G/M3)" ; RHOTD:units = "gram/m3" ; RHOTD:actual_range = 0.1210022f, 1.308998f ; RHOTD:SampledRate = 1 ; RHOTD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TASF(Time) ; TASF:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE AIRSPEED (FUSL) (M/S)" ; TASF:units = "m/s" ; TASF:actual_range = 45.194f, 186.67f ; TASF:SampledRate = 1 ; TASF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TASB(Time) ; TASB:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE AIRSPEED (BOOM) (M/S)" ; TASB:units = "m/s" ; TASB:actual_range = 42.827f, 186.889f ; TASB:SampledRate = 1 ; TASB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ADIF(Time) ; ADIF:long_name = "VERTICAL DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE (MB)" ; ADIF:units = "hPa" ; ADIF:actual_range = -0.2109985f, 36.48399f ; ADIF:SampledRate = 1 ; ADIF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATTACK(Time) ; ATTACK:long_name = "ATTACK ANGLE ROSEMOUNT (DEG)" ; ATTACK:units = "degree" ; ATTACK:actual_range = -0.3239975f, 9.702003f ; ATTACK:SampledRate = 1 ; ATTACK:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BDIF(Time) ; BDIF:long_name = "HORIZONTAL DIFF PRESSURE (MB)" ; BDIF:units = "hPa" ; BDIF:actual_range = -35.882f, 37.302f ; BDIF:SampledRate = 1 ; BDIF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SSLIP(Time) ; SSLIP:long_name = "SIDESLIP ANGLE (ROSEMOUNT) (DEG)" ; SSLIP:units = "degree" ; SSLIP:actual_range = -6.275002f, 5.084f ; SSLIP:SampledRate = 1 ; SSLIP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UI(Time) ; UI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR EAST GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; UI:units = "m/s" ; UI:actual_range = 5.709f, 23.298f ; UI:SampledRate = 1 ; UI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VI(Time) ; VI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR NORTH GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; VI:units = "m/s" ; VI:actual_range = -21.752f, 0.279007f ; VI:SampledRate = 1 ; VI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WI(Time) ; WI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR VERTICAL GUST COMP (M/S)" ; WI:units = "m/s" ; WI:actual_range = -5.494003f, 6.199997f ; WI:SampledRate = 1 ; WI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UX(Time) ; UX:long_name = "WIND VECTOR LNGTDNL GUST COMP. (M/S)" ; UX:units = "m/s" ; UX:actual_range = -24.992f, 27.875f ; UX:SampledRate = 1 ; UX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VY(Time) ; VY:long_name = "WIND VECTOR LATERAL GUST COMP. (M/S)" ; VY:units = "m/s" ; VY:actual_range = -28.733f, 28.94701f ; VY:SampledRate = 1 ; VY:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WDRCTN(Time) ; WDRCTN:long_name = "HORIZONTAL WIND DIRECTION (DEG)" ; WDRCTN:units = "degree" ; WDRCTN:actual_range = 267.634f, 338.159f ; WDRCTN:SampledRate = 1 ; WDRCTN:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WSPD(Time) ; WSPD:long_name = "HORIZONTAL WIND SPEED (M/S)" ; WSPD:units = "m/s" ; WSPD:actual_range = 6.32f, 29.51401f ; WSPD:SampledRate = 1 ; WSPD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VEW(Time) ; VEW:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD EAST COMP (M/S)" ; VEW:units = "m/s" ; VEW:actual_range = -145.248f, 168.174f ; VEW:SampledRate = 1 ; VEW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VNS(Time) ; VNS:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD NORTH COMP (M/S)" ; VNS:units = "m/s" ; VNS:actual_range = -162.166f, 151.919f ; VNS:SampledRate = 1 ; VNS:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DEI(Time) ; DEI:long_name = "DIST EAST OF START (KM)" ; DEI:units = "km" ; DEI:actual_range = -1.280029f, 93.98999f ; DEI:SampledRate = 1 ; DEI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DNI(Time) ; DNI:long_name = "DIST NORTH OF START (KM)" ; DNI:units = "km" ; DNI:actual_range = -0.8800049f, 110.41f ; DNI:SampledRate = 1 ; DNI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CGAC(Time) ; CGAC:long_name = "AIRCRAFT C.G. ACCELERATION (M/S2)" ; CGAC:units = "m/s2" ; CGAC:actual_range = -3.297997f, 4.060997f ; CGAC:SampledRate = 1 ; CGAC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WP3(Time) ; WP3:long_name = "DAMPED AIRCRAFT VERT VELOCITY (M/S)" ; WP3:units = "m/s" ; WP3:actual_range = -20.452f, 26.263f ; WP3:SampledRate = 1 ; WP3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HI3(Time) ; HI3:long_name = "PRESSURE-DAMPED INERTIAL ALTITUDE (M)" ; HI3:units = "m" ; HI3:actual_range = 1644.1f, 5110.8f ; HI3:SampledRate = 1 ; HI3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float FZV(Time) ; FZV:long_name = "FIXED ZERO VOLTAGE (VDC)" ; FZV:units = "Vdc" ; FZV:actual_range = 0.0009994507f, 0.007003784f ; FZV:SampledRate = 1 ; FZV:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RA(Time) ; RA:long_name = "REFERENCE AMPLITUDE (VDC)" ; RA:units = "Vdc" ; RA:actual_range = -0.007003784f, 0.5220032f ; RA:SampledRate = 1 ; RA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RFMF(Time) ; RFMF:long_name = "REFERENCE FM FUNDAMENTAL (VDC)" ; RFMF:units = "Vdc" ; RFMF:actual_range = -0.2450027f, 0.9759979f ; RFMF:SampledRate = 1 ; RFMF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RFMH(Time) ; RFMH:long_name = "REFERENCE FM HARMONIC (VDC)" ; RFMH:units = "Vdc" ; RFMH:actual_range = -0.009002686f, 0.461998f ; RFMH:SampledRate = 1 ; RFMH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SA(Time) ; SA:long_name = "SAMPLE AMPLITUDE (VDC)" ; SA:units = "Vdc" ; SA:actual_range = -0.001998901f, 1.602997f ; SA:SampledRate = 1 ; SA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SFH(Time) ; SFH:long_name = "SAMPLE FM HARMONIC (VDC)" ; SFH:units = "Vdc" ; SFH:actual_range = -0.03199768f, 10.143f ; SFH:SampledRate = 1 ; SFH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RR(Time) ; RR:long_name = "REFERENCE RATIO (VDC)" ; RR:units = "Vdc" ; RR:actual_range = -3.861f, 10.452f ; RR:SampledRate = 1 ; RR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SR(Time) ; SR:long_name = "SAMPLE RATIO (VDC)" ; SR:units = "Vdc" ; SR:actual_range = -0.02300262f, 0.007003784f ; SR:SampledRate = 1 ; SR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float XLAST(Time) ; XLAST:long_name = "LASER TEMPERATURE (VDC)" ; XLAST:units = "Vdc" ; XLAST:actual_range = -0.01399994f, 0.08999634f ; XLAST:SampledRate = 1 ; XLAST:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float XLASC(Time) ; XLASC:long_name = "LASER CURRENT (VDC)" ; XLASC:units = "Vdc" ; XLASC:actual_range = -1.773003f, 0.01699829f ; XLASC:SampledRate = 1 ; XLASC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SCPR(Time) ; SCPR:long_name = "SAMPLE CELL PRESSURE (VDC)" ; SCPR:units = "Vdc" ; SCPR:actual_range = -0.7269974f, 9.120003f ; SCPR:SampledRate = 1 ; SCPR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SCFR(Time) ; SCFR:long_name = "SAMPLE CELL FLOW RATE (VDC)" ; SCFR:units = "Vdc" ; SCFR:actual_range = -0.1989975f, 10.212f ; SCFR:SampledRate = 1 ; SCFR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float O3CON(Time) ; O3CON:long_name = "OZONE CONCENTRATION (VDC)" ; O3CON:units = "Vdc" ; O3CON:actual_range = -0.1900024f, 3.997002f ; O3CON:SampledRate = 1 ; O3CON:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SPARE2(Time) ; SPARE2:long_name = "SPARE2 (VDC)" ; SPARE2:units = "Vdc" ; SPARE2:actual_range = 0.06199646f, 0.07800293f ; SPARE2:SampledRate = 1 ; SPARE2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RFMHRA(Time) ; RFMHRA:long_name = "REFERENCE FM HARMONIC/REF AMP (RATIO)" ; RFMHRA:units = "RATIO" ; RFMHRA:actual_range = -65.662f, 948.575f ; RFMHRA:SampledRate = 1 ; RFMHRA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SFHSA(Time) ; SFHSA:long_name = "SAMPLE FM HARMONIC/SAMPLE AMP (RATIO)" ; SFHSA:units = "RATIO" ; SFHSA:actual_range = -12.791f, 483.845f ; SFHSA:SampledRate = 1 ; SFHSA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RSRAT(Time) ; RSRAT:long_name = "SFHSA/RFMHRA (RATIO)" ; RSRAT:units = "RATIO" ; RSRAT:actual_range = -44.32f, 461.746f ; RSRAT:SampledRate = 1 ; RSRAT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float EVMRK(Time) ; EVMRK:long_name = "EVENT MARKER (VDC)" ; EVMRK:units = "Vdc" ; EVMRK:actual_range = 0.f, 0.f ; EVMRK:SampledRate = 1 ; EVMRK:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RHUM(Time) ; RHUM:long_name = "RELATIVE HUMIDITY (PER CENT)" ; RHUM:units = "%" ; RHUM:actual_range = 15.675f, 68.554f ; RHUM:SampledRate = 1 ; RHUM:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RM(Time) ; RM:long_name = "MIXING RATIO (G/KG)" ; RM:units = "g/kg" ; RM:actual_range = 0.1589966f, 1.307999f ; RM:SampledRate = 1 ; RM:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ETHETA(Time) ; ETHETA:long_name = "EQUIVALENT POTENTIAL TEMP (K)" ; ETHETA:units = "deg_K" ; ETHETA:actual_range = 291.452f, 295.666f ; ETHETA:SampledRate = 1 ; ETHETA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THETA(Time) ; THETA:long_name = "POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE (K)" ; THETA:units = "deg_K" ; THETA:actual_range = 289.774f, 293.491f ; THETA:SampledRate = 1 ; THETA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SPHUM(Time) ; SPHUM:long_name = "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY (G/KG)" ; SPHUM:units = "g/kg" ; SPHUM:actual_range = 0.1589966f, 1.306f ; SPHUM:SampledRate = 1 ; SPHUM:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VTHETA(Time) ; VTHETA:long_name = "VIRTUAL POTENTIAL TEMP (K)" ; VTHETA:units = "deg_K" ; VTHETA:actual_range = 289.955f, 293.544f ; VTHETA:SampledRate = 1 ; VTHETA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; // global attributes: :institution = "NCAR Research Aviation Facility" ; :Address = "P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000" ; :creator_url = "" ; :Conventions = "NCAR-RAF/nimbus" ; :ConventionsURL = "" ; :ConventionsVersion = "1.3" ; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF-1.0" ; :time_coordinate = "Time" ; :Phone = "(303) 497-1030" ; :ProcessorURL = "" ; :ProcessorRevision = "8ff1ae2e-dirty" ; :Categories = "Position,Thermodynamic,Aircraft State,Atmos. State" ; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up" ; :date_created = "2016-08-09T18:24:14 +0000" ; :Platform = "N307D" ; :wind_field = "WSPD WDRCTN WI" ; :time_coverage_start = "1982-12-18T12:01:58 +0000" ; :time_coverage_end = "1982-12-18T13:05:45 +0000" ; :TimeInterval = "12:01:58-13:05:45" ; :FlightDate = "12/18/1982" ; :geospatial_lat_min = 39.909f ; :geospatial_lat_max = 40.909f ; :latitude_coordinate = "LAT" ; :geospatial_lon_min = -105.134f ; :geospatial_lon_max = -104.013f ; :longitude_coordinate = "LON" ; :zaxis_coordinate = "HP" ; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m" ; :geospatial_vertical_min = 1644.9f ; :geospatial_vertical_max = 5114.8f ; :DESCRIPTION = "736-01 ATLAS 18DEC82" ; :CYCLE_TIME = 1.f ; :FlightNumber = "RF01" ; :ProjectName = "ATLAS (Atmospheric Tunable Laser Absorption Spectroscopy)" ; :converted_from = "G52307" ; }
ATLAS-82 Publications
Data Access