Sample NetCDF Header
netcdf RF01.19780417.162415_180256 { dimensions: Time = 5922 ; sps20 = 20 ; variables: int Time(Time) ; Time:long_name = "time of measurement" ; Time:units = "seconds since 1978-04-17 00:00:00 +0000" ; Time:strptime_format = "seconds since %F %T %z" ; Time:standard_name = "time" ; float SEC(Time) ; SEC:long_name = "UNALTERED TAPE TIME (SEC) AFTER MIDNIGHT TPTIME" ; SEC:units = "unk" ; SEC:actual_range = 59055.f, 64976.f ; SEC:SampledRate = 1 ; SEC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SIXP(Time) ; SIXP:long_name = "ISIXP (VDC)" ; SIXP:units = "Vdc" ; SIXP:actual_range = 9.991997f, 9.995003f ; SIXP:SampledRate = 1 ; SIXP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float SIXN(Time) ; SIXN:long_name = "ISIXN (VDC)" ; SIXN:units = "Vdc" ; SIXN:actual_range = -9.989998f, -9.985001f ; SIXN:SampledRate = 1 ; SIXN:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TRMT(Time) ; TRMT:long_name = "PILOT MICROPHONE SWITCH (TRMT) (VDC)" ; TRMT:units = "Vdc" ; TRMT:actual_range = 0.03900146f, 8.959999f ; TRMT:SampledRate = 1 ; TRMT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSFC(Time, sps20) ; PSFC:long_name = "CORRECTED STATIC PRESR (FUSELAGE) (MB)" ; PSFC:units = "hPa" ; PSFC:actual_range = 789.433f, 827.769f ; PSFC:SampledRate = 20 ; PSFC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSBC(Time, sps20) ; PSBC:long_name = "CORRECTED STATIC PRESSURE (BOOM) (MB)" ; PSBC:units = "hPa" ; PSBC:actual_range = 790.932f, 827.623f ; PSBC:SampledRate = 20 ; PSBC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATW(Time, sps20) ; ATW:long_name = "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (ROSEMOUNT) (C)" ; ATW:units = "deg_C" ; ATW:actual_range = 0.5439987f, 6.945f ; ATW:SampledRate = 20 ; ATW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATKP(Time, sps20) ; ATKP:long_name = "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (FAST RESPONSE) (C)" ; ATKP:units = "deg_C" ; ATKP:actual_range = 1.731003f, 7.357002f ; ATKP:SampledRate = 20 ; ATKP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPC(Time, sps20) ; DPC:long_name = "DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE (THERMOELEC) (C)" ; DPC:units = "deg_C" ; DPC:actual_range = -18.944f, -7.440002f ; DPC:SampledRate = 20 ; DPC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RHOTD(Time, sps20) ; RHOTD:long_name = "ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY (THERMOELEC) (G/M3)" ; RHOTD:units = "gram/m3" ; RHOTD:actual_range = 1.071999f, 2.750999f ; RHOTD:SampledRate = 20 ; RHOTD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RFI(Time, sps20) ; RFI:long_name = "REFRACTIVE INDEX (N-UNITS)" ; RFI:units = "none" ; RFI:actual_range = 172.351f, 197.114f ; RFI:SampledRate = 20 ; RFI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RHORF(Time, sps20) ; RHORF:long_name = "ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY (REFRACT) (G/M3)" ; RHORF:units = "gram/m3" ; RHORF:actual_range = -8.191002f, -5.113998f ; RHORF:SampledRate = 20 ; RHORF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PRT5(Time, sps20) ; PRT5:long_name = "RADIOMETRIC SURFACE TEMP (PRT-5) (C)" ; PRT5:units = "deg_C" ; PRT5:actual_range = -21.495f, 22.747f ; PRT5:SampledRate = 20 ; PRT5:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WDRCTN(Time, sps20) ; WDRCTN:long_name = "HORIZONTAL WIND DIRECTION (DEG)" ; WDRCTN:units = "degree" ; WDRCTN:actual_range = 225.65f, 331.258f ; WDRCTN:SampledRate = 20 ; WDRCTN:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WSPD(Time, sps20) ; WSPD:long_name = "HORIZONTAL WIND SPEED (M/S)" ; WSPD:units = "m/s" ; WSPD:actual_range = 2.231003f, 27.153f ; WSPD:SampledRate = 20 ; WSPD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UI(Time, sps20) ; UI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR EAST GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; UI:units = "m/s" ; UI:actual_range = 1.953003f, 24.32001f ; UI:SampledRate = 20 ; UI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VI(Time, sps20) ; VI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR NORTH GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; VI:units = "m/s" ; VI:actual_range = -15.69901f, 9.253006f ; VI:SampledRate = 20 ; VI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WI(Time, sps20) ; WI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR VERTICAL GUST COMP (H) (M/S) WI" ; WI:units = "m/s" ; WI:actual_range = -6.053001f, 8.502998f ; WI:SampledRate = 20 ; WI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UX(Time, sps20) ; UX:long_name = "WIND VECTOR LNGTDNL GUST COMPONENT (M/S) UX" ; UX:units = "m/s" ; UX:actual_range = -26.85001f, 20.733f ; UX:SampledRate = 20 ; UX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VY(Time, sps20) ; VY:long_name = "WIND VECTOR LATERAL GUST COMPONENT (M/S) VY" ; VY:units = "m/s" ; VY:actual_range = -22.56799f, 22.36501f ; VY:SampledRate = 20 ; VY:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LAT(Time, sps20) ; LAT:long_name = "RAW INS LATITUDE (DEG)" ; LAT:units = "degree_N" ; LAT:Category = "Position" ; LAT:standard_name = "latitude" ; LAT:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ; LAT:actual_range = 39.90601f, 40.198f ; LAT:SampledRate = 20 ; LAT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LON(Time, sps20) ; LON:long_name = "RAW INS LONGITUDE (DEG)" ; LON:units = "degree_E" ; LON:Category = "Position" ; LON:standard_name = "longitude" ; LON:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; LON:actual_range = -105.169f, -104.836f ; LON:SampledRate = 20 ; LON:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float STATN(Time, sps20) ; STATN:long_name = "DME STATION" ; STATN:units = "unk" ; STATN:actual_range = 0.f, 122.f ; STATN:SampledRate = 20 ; STATN:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DIST(Time, sps20) ; DIST:long_name = "DME DISTANCE ( NMI )" ; DIST:units = "NMI" ; DIST:actual_range = 0.f, 51.99001f ; DIST:SampledRate = 20 ; DIST:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DMELAT(Time, sps20) ; DMELAT:long_name = "AIRCRAFT LATITUDE (DME) (DEG)" ; DMELAT:units = "degree" ; DMELAT:actual_range = 39.888f, 948.575f ; DMELAT:SampledRate = 20 ; DMELAT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DMELON(Time, sps20) ; DMELON:long_name = "AIRCRAFT LONGITUDE (DME) (DEG)" ; DMELON:units = "degree" ; DMELON:actual_range = -105.205f, 848.575f ; DMELON:SampledRate = 20 ; DMELON:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DIFLAT(Time, sps20) ; DIFLAT:long_name = "DME LATITUDE - INS LATITUDE IN DEGS" ; DIFLAT:units = "degree" ; DIFLAT:actual_range = -0.04299927f, 948.575f ; DIFLAT:SampledRate = 20 ; DIFLAT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DIFLON(Time, sps20) ; DIFLON:long_name = "DME LONGITUDE - INS LONGITUDE IN DEGS" ; DIFLON:units = "degree" ; DIFLON:actual_range = -0.05799866f, 948.575f ; DIFLON:SampledRate = 20 ; DIFLON:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DIFTRK(Time, sps20) ; DIFTRK:long_name = "DME TRACK - INS TRACK IN METERS" ; DIFTRK:units = "m" ; DIFTRK:actual_range = 4.65f, 7777.f ; DIFTRK:SampledRate = 20 ; DIFTRK:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CDILAT(Time, sps20) ; CDILAT:long_name = "COMBINED DME AND INS LATITUDE (DEG)" ; CDILAT:units = "degree" ; CDILAT:actual_range = 39.888f, 40.19901f ; CDILAT:SampledRate = 20 ; CDILAT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CDILON(Time, sps20) ; CDILON:long_name = "COMBINED DME AND INS LONGITUDE (DEG)" ; CDILON:units = "degree" ; CDILON:actual_range = -105.205f, -104.821f ; CDILON:SampledRate = 20 ; CDILON:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HP(Time, sps20) ; HP:long_name = "NACA PRESSURE ALTITUDE (M)" ; HP:units = "m" ; HP:actual_range = 1672.2f, 2055.2f ; HP:SampledRate = 20 ; HP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HI3(Time, sps20) ; HI3:long_name = "PRESSURE-DAMPED INERTIAL ALTITUDE (M)" ; HI3:units = "m" ; HI3:actual_range = 1681.7f, 2052.2f ; HI3:SampledRate = 20 ; HI3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HGM(Time, sps20) ; HGM:long_name = "GEOMETRIC (RADIO) ALTITUDE (M)" ; HGM:units = "m" ; HGM:actual_range = -0.5599976f, 385.286f ; HGM:SampledRate = 20 ; HGM:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float GSF(Time, sps20) ; GSF:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPEED (M/S)" ; GSF:units = "m/s" ; GSF:actual_range = 24.449f, 99.489f ; GSF:SampledRate = 20 ; GSF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VEW(Time, sps20) ; VEW:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD EAST COMP (M/S)" ; VEW:units = "m/s" ; VEW:actual_range = -71.46399f, 96.07703f ; VEW:SampledRate = 20 ; VEW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VNS(Time, sps20) ; VNS:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD NORTH COMP (M/S)" ; VNS:units = "m/s" ; VNS:actual_range = -86.14099f, 82.992f ; VNS:SampledRate = 20 ; VNS:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WP3(Time, sps20) ; WP3:long_name = "DAMPED AIRCRAFT VERT VELOCITY (M/S)" ; WP3:units = "m/s" ; WP3:actual_range = -11.818f, 9.497002f ; WP3:SampledRate = 20 ; WP3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CGAC(Time, sps20) ; CGAC:long_name = "AIRCRAFT C.G. ACCELERATION (M/S2)" ; CGAC:units = "m/s2" ; CGAC:actual_range = -8.577003f, 9.211998f ; CGAC:SampledRate = 20 ; CGAC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THF(Time, sps20) ; THF:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE HEADING (YAW) (DEG)" ; THF:units = "degree" ; THF:actual_range = 0.005996704f, 359.993f ; THF:SampledRate = 20 ; THF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ROLL(Time, sps20) ; ROLL:long_name = "AIRCRAFT ROLL ATTITUDE ANGLE (DEG)" ; ROLL:units = "degree" ; ROLL:actual_range = -45.58f, 37.589f ; ROLL:SampledRate = 20 ; ROLL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PITCH(Time, sps20) ; PITCH:long_name = "AIRCRAFT PITCH ATTITUDE ANGLE (DEG)" ; PITCH:units = "degree" ; PITCH:actual_range = -6.170998f, 11.546f ; PITCH:SampledRate = 20 ; PITCH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TASW(Time, sps20) ; TASW:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE AIRSPEED (WING) (M/S)" ; TASW:units = "m/s" ; TASW:actual_range = 32.832f, 94.584f ; TASW:SampledRate = 20 ; TASW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TASG(Time, sps20) ; TASG:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE AIRSPEED (GUST) (M/S)" ; TASG:units = "m/s" ; TASG:actual_range = 31.02499f, 93.19f ; TASG:SampledRate = 20 ; TASG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DEI(Time, sps20) ; DEI:long_name = "DISTANCE EAST OF BAO TOWER (KM)" ; DEI:units = "km" ; DEI:actual_range = -14.23999f, 14.31f ; DEI:SampledRate = 20 ; DEI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DNI(Time, sps20) ; DNI:long_name = "DISTANCE NORTH OF BAO TOWER (KM)" ; DNI:units = "km" ; DNI:actual_range = -15.56f, 16.53003f ; DNI:SampledRate = 20 ; DNI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTW(Time, sps20) ; TTW:long_name = "TOTAL TEMPERATURE (WING ROSEMOUNT) (C)" ; TTW:units = "deg_C" ; TTW:actual_range = 3.435997f, 10.101f ; TTW:SampledRate = 20 ; TTW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTKP(Time, sps20) ; TTKP:long_name = "TOTAL TEMPERATURE (FAST RESPONSE) (C)" ; TTKP:units = "deg_C" ; TTKP:actual_range = 4.021004f, 10.305f ; TTKP:SampledRate = 20 ; TTKP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DP(Time, sps20) ; DP:long_name = "DEW/FROSTPOINT TEMP (THERMOELEC) (C)" ; DP:units = "DEG C" ; DP:actual_range = -16.977f, -6.608002f ; DP:SampledRate = 20 ; DP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCW(Time, sps20) ; QCW:long_name = "RAW DYNAMIC PRESSURE (WING) (MB)" ; QCW:units = "hPa" ; QCW:actual_range = 4.272003f, 46.032f ; QCW:SampledRate = 20 ; QCW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCG(Time, sps20) ; QCG:long_name = "RAW DYNAMIC PRESSURE (GUST PROBE) (MB)" ; QCG:units = "hPa" ; QCG:actual_range = 4.748001f, 41.26199f ; QCG:SampledRate = 20 ; QCG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCB(Time, sps20) ; QCB:long_name = "RAW DYNAMIC PRESSURE (BOOM) (MB)" ; QCB:units = "hPa" ; QCB:actual_range = 3.454002f, 41.491f ; QCB:SampledRate = 20 ; QCB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSF(Time, sps20) ; PSF:long_name = "RAW STATIC PRESSURE (FUSELAGE) (MB)" ; PSF:units = "hPa" ; PSF:actual_range = 790.307f, 828.363f ; PSF:SampledRate = 20 ; PSF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSB(Time, sps20) ; PSB:long_name = "RAW STATIC PRESSURE (BOOM) (MB)" ; PSB:units = "hPa" ; PSB:actual_range = 792.606f, 830.321f ; PSB:SampledRate = 20 ; PSB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ALPHA(Time, sps20) ; ALPHA:long_name = "INS WANDER ANGLE (DEG)" ; ALPHA:units = "degree" ; ALPHA:actual_range = 88.522f, 88.73801f ; ALPHA:SampledRate = 20 ; ALPHA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THI(Time, sps20) ; THI:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE HEADING (ARINC) (DEG)" ; THI:units = "degree" ; THI:actual_range = 0.01699829f, 359.963f ; THI:SampledRate = 20 ; THI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float XVI(Time, sps20) ; XVI:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD X COMPONENT (M/S)" ; XVI:units = "m/s" ; XVI:actual_range = -71.47699f, 96.00403f ; XVI:SampledRate = 20 ; XVI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float YVI(Time, sps20) ; YVI:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD Y COMPONENT (M/S)" ; YVI:units = "m/s" ; YVI:actual_range = -86.55701f, 82.75403f ; YVI:SampledRate = 20 ; YVI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VZI(Time, sps20) ; VZI:long_name = "RAW INS VERTICAL VELOCITY (M/S)" ; VZI:units = "m/s" ; VZI:actual_range = 157.278f, 181.039f ; VZI:SampledRate = 20 ; VZI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float AFIX(Time, sps20) ; AFIX:long_name = "ATTACK ANGLE (FIXED VANE) (DEG)" ; AFIX:units = "degree" ; AFIX:actual_range = -2.870003f, 8.873001f ; AFIX:SampledRate = 20 ; AFIX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float AROT(Time, sps20) ; AROT:long_name = "ATTACK ANGLE (ROTATING VANE) (DEG)" ; AROT:units = "degree" ; AROT:actual_range = -4.830002f, 7.334999f ; AROT:SampledRate = 20 ; AROT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BFIX(Time, sps20) ; BFIX:long_name = "SIDESLIP ANGLE (FIXED VANE) (DEG)" ; BFIX:units = "degree" ; BFIX:actual_range = -11.829f, 6.408997f ; BFIX:SampledRate = 20 ; BFIX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BROT(Time, sps20) ; BROT:long_name = "SIDESLIP ANGLE (ROTATING VANE) (DEG)" ; BROT:units = "degree" ; BROT:actual_range = -12.983f, 7.612f ; BROT:SampledRate = 20 ; BROT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VAC(Time, sps20) ; VAC:long_name = "GUST PROBE TIP VERT ACCEL (M/S2)" ; VAC:units = "m/s2" ; VAC:actual_range = -32.635f, -4.139999f ; VAC:SampledRate = 20 ; VAC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LAC(Time, sps20) ; LAC:long_name = "GUST PROBE TIP LATERAL ACCEL (M/S2)" ; LAC:units = "m/s2" ; LAC:actual_range = -2.802002f, 2.882004f ; LAC:SampledRate = 20 ; LAC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THETA(Time, sps20) ; THETA:long_name = "POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE (K)" ; THETA:units = "deg_K" ; THETA:actual_range = 291.321f, 295.716f ; THETA:SampledRate = 20 ; THETA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ETHETA(Time, sps20) ; ETHETA:long_name = "EQUIVALENT POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE (K)" ; ETHETA:units = "deg_K" ; ETHETA:actual_range = 297.231f, 302.756f ; ETHETA:SampledRate = 20 ; ETHETA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VTHETA(Time, sps20) ; VTHETA:long_name = "VIRTUAL POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE (K)" ; VTHETA:units = "deg_K" ; VTHETA:actual_range = 291.781f, 295.946f ; VTHETA:SampledRate = 20 ; VTHETA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HWV1(Time, sps20) ; HWV1:long_name = "HOT WIRE VOLTAGE 1 (VDC)" ; HWV1:units = "Vdc" ; HWV1:actual_range = -10.f, 9.997002f ; HWV1:SampledRate = 20 ; HWV1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HWV2(Time, sps20) ; HWV2:long_name = "HOT WIRE VOLTAGE 2 (VDC)" ; HWV2:units = "Vdc" ; HWV2:actual_range = -0.4570007f, 4.092003f ; HWV2:SampledRate = 20 ; HWV2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HWRMS1(Time, sps20) ; HWRMS1:long_name = "HOT WIRE RMS 1 (VDC)" ; HWRMS1:units = "Vdc" ; HWRMS1:actual_range = -0.01200104f, 0.413002f ; HWRMS1:SampledRate = 20 ; HWRMS1:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HWRMS2(Time, sps20) ; HWRMS2:long_name = "HOT WIRE RMS 2 (VDC)" ; HWRMS2:units = "Vdc" ; HWRMS2:actual_range = -0.1289978f, 0.5270004f ; HWRMS2:SampledRate = 20 ; HWRMS2:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HWRMS3(Time, sps20) ; HWRMS3:long_name = "HOT WIRE RMS 3 (VDC)" ; HWRMS3:units = "Vdc" ; HWRMS3:actual_range = -0.09999847f, 0.6399994f ; HWRMS3:SampledRate = 20 ; HWRMS3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float O3STR(Time, sps20) ; O3STR:long_name = "RAW OZONE (STEDMAN) (COUNTS)" ; O3STR:units = "COUNTS" ; O3STR:actual_range = 0.f, 0.f ; O3STR:SampledRate = 20 ; O3STR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float O3STC(Time, sps20) ; O3STC:long_name = "OZONE CONCENTRATION (STEDMAN) (CNTS/SEC)" ; O3STC:units = "CNTS/SEC" ; O3STC:actual_range = 0.f, 0.f ; O3STC:SampledRate = 20 ; O3STC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; // global attributes: :institution = "NCAR Research Aviation Facility" ; :Address = "P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000" ; :creator_url = "" ; :Conventions = "NCAR-RAF/nimbus" ; :ConventionsURL = "" ; :ConventionsVersion = "1.3" ; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF-1.0" ; :time_coordinate = "Time" ; :Phone = "(303) 497-1030" ; :ProcessorURL = "" ; :ProcessorRevision = "8ff1ae2e-dirty" ; :Categories = "Position,Thermodynamic,Aircraft State,Atmos. State" ; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up" ; :date_created = "2016-08-09T18:24:17 +0000" ; :Platform = "N306D" ; :wind_field = "WSPD WDRCTN" ; :time_coverage_start = "1978-04-17T16:24:15 +0000" ; :time_coverage_end = "1978-04-17T18:02:56 +0000" ; :TimeInterval = "16:24:15-18:02:56" ; :FlightDate = "04/17/1978" ; :geospatial_lat_min = 39.90601f ; :geospatial_lat_max = 40.198f ; :latitude_coordinate = "LAT" ; :geospatial_lon_min = -105.169f ; :geospatial_lon_max = -104.836f ; :longitude_coordinate = "LON" ; :zaxis_coordinate = "HP" ; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m" ; :geospatial_vertical_min = 1672.2f ; :geospatial_vertical_max = 2055.2f ; :DESCRIPTION = "656-01 BAO SITE STUDY 17APR78 16/17/00" ; :CYCLE_TIME = 1.f ; :FlightNumber = "RF01" ; :ProjectName = "BAO Tower Study" ; :converted_from = "G50054" ; :history = "Sun Dec 18 18:55:37 2016: ncatted -a units,VY,m,c,m/s\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:55:37 2016: ncrename -v M_S_:-1,VY\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:55:36 2016: ncatted -a units,UX,m,c,m/s\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:55:36 2016: ncrename -v M_S_:,UX\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:55:36 2016: ncatted -a units,WI,m,c,m/s\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:55:35 2016: ncrename -v M_S,WI\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:48:04 2016: ncatted -a units,VY,m,c,m/s\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:48:04 2016: ncrename -v M_S_:-1,VY\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:48:03 2016: ncatted -a units,UX,m,c,m/s\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:48:03 2016: ncrename -v M_S_:,UX\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:46:11 2016: ncatted -a units,WI,m,c,m/s\n", "Sun Dec 18 18:45:15 2016: ncrename -v M_S,WI" ; }
Data Access