Sample NetCDF Header
netcdf RF02.19800820.102700_140340 { dimensions: Time = UNLIMITED ; // (13001 currently) sps20 = 20 ; variables: int Time(Time) ; Time:long_name = "time of measurement" ; Time:units = "seconds since 1980-08-20 00:00:00 +0000" ; Time:strptime_format = "seconds since %F %T %z" ; Time:standard_name = "time" ; float TPTIME(Time) ; TPTIME:long_name = "UNALTERED TAPE TIME (SEC) AFTER MIDNIGHT" ; TPTIME:units = "s" ; TPTIME:actual_range = 50620.f, 37620.f ; TPTIME:SampledRate = 1 ; TPTIME:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TMLAG(Time) ; TMLAG:long_name = "LTN-51 ARINC TIME LAG (SEC)" ; TMLAG:units = "s" ; TMLAG:actual_range = 0.4000015f, 0.1699982f ; TMLAG:SampledRate = 1 ; TMLAG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float EVMRKS(Time) ; EVMRKS:long_name = "EVENT MARKER WORD" ; EVMRKS:units = "unk" ; EVMRKS:actual_range = 0.f, 0.f ; EVMRKS:SampledRate = 1 ; EVMRKS:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float XMIT(Time) ; XMIT:long_name = "PILOT MICROPHONE SWITCH (XMIT) (VDC)" ; XMIT:units = "Vdc" ; XMIT:actual_range = 0.001998901f, -0.02700043f ; XMIT:SampledRate = 1 ; XMIT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LAT(Time, sps20) ; LAT:long_name = "RAW INS LATITUDE (DEG)" ; LAT:units = "degree_N" ; LAT:Category = "Position" ; LAT:standard_name = "latitude" ; LAT:valid_range = -90.f, 90.f ; LAT:actual_range = 39.91701f, 41.134f ; LAT:SampledRate = 20 ; LAT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LON(Time, sps20) ; LON:long_name = "RAW INS LONGITUDE (DEG)" ; LON:units = "degree_E" ; LON:Category = "Position" ; LON:standard_name = "longitude" ; LON:valid_range = -180.f, 180.f ; LON:actual_range = -105.123f, -100.701f ; LON:SampledRate = 20 ; LON:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THI(Time, sps20) ; THI:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE HEADING (ARINC) (DEG)" ; THI:units = "degree" ; THI:actual_range = 33.63901f, 270.779f ; THI:SampledRate = 20 ; THI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ALPHA(Time, sps20) ; ALPHA:long_name = "INS WANDER ANGLE (DEG)" ; ALPHA:units = "degree" ; ALPHA:actual_range = 269.865f, 272.755f ; ALPHA:SampledRate = 20 ; ALPHA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float XVI(Time, sps20) ; XVI:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD X COMPONENT (M/S)" ; XVI:units = "m/s" ; XVI:actual_range = -0.2669983f, 0.f ; XVI:SampledRate = 20 ; XVI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float YVI(Time, sps20) ; YVI:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD Y COMPONENT (M/S)" ; YVI:units = "m/s" ; YVI:actual_range = -0.4190063f, 0.f ; YVI:SampledRate = 20 ; YVI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float GSF(Time, sps20) ; GSF:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPEED (M/S)" ; GSF:units = "m/s" ; GSF:actual_range = 0.4970016f, 0.f ; GSF:SampledRate = 20 ; GSF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PITCH(Time, sps20) ; PITCH:long_name = "AIRCRAFT PITCH ATTITUDE ANGLE (DEG)" ; PITCH:units = "degree" ; PITCH:actual_range = 1.035004f, 1.391998f ; PITCH:SampledRate = 20 ; PITCH:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ROLL(Time, sps20) ; ROLL:long_name = "AIRCRAFT ROLL ATTITUDE ANGLE (DEG)" ; ROLL:units = "degree" ; ROLL:actual_range = 1.051003f, 0.1409988f ; ROLL:SampledRate = 20 ; ROLL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THF(Time, sps20) ; THF:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE HEADING (YAW) (DEG)" ; THF:units = "degree" ; THF:actual_range = 33.60201f, 270.796f ; THF:SampledRate = 20 ; THF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VZI(Time, sps20) ; VZI:long_name = "RAW INS VERTICAL VELOCITY (M/S)" ; VZI:units = "m/s" ; VZI:actual_range = 184.965f, 0.480011f ; VZI:SampledRate = 20 ; VZI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCW(Time, sps20) ; QCW:long_name = "RAW DYNAMIC PRESSURE (WING) (MB)" ; QCW:units = "hPa" ; QCW:actual_range = 0.2720032f, 0.4179993f ; QCW:SampledRate = 20 ; QCW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCG(Time, sps20) ; QCG:long_name = "RAW DYNAMIC PRESSURE (GUST PROBE)(MB)" ; QCG:units = "hPa" ; QCG:actual_range = -0.003997803f, 0.538002f ; QCG:SampledRate = 20 ; QCG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCWC(Time, sps20) ; QCWC:long_name = "CORRECTED DYNAMIC PRESR (WING) (MB)" ; QCWC:units = "hPa" ; QCWC:actual_range = 0.2720032f, 0.4179993f ; QCWC:SampledRate = 20 ; QCWC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float QCGC(Time, sps20) ; QCGC:long_name = "CORRECTED DYNAMIC PRESR (GUST PROBE)(MB)" ; QCGC:units = "hPa" ; QCGC:actual_range = 0.0009994507f, 0.538002f ; QCGC:SampledRate = 20 ; QCGC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSF(Time, sps20) ; PSF:long_name = "RAW STATIC PRESSURE (FUSELAGE) (MB)" ; PSF:units = "hPa" ; PSF:actual_range = 826.801f, 913.894f ; PSF:SampledRate = 20 ; PSF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSB(Time, sps20) ; PSB:long_name = "RAW STATIC PRESSURE (BOOM) (MB)" ; PSB:units = "hPa" ; PSB:actual_range = 826.173f, 913.47f ; PSB:SampledRate = 20 ; PSB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSFC(Time, sps20) ; PSFC:long_name = "CORRECTED STATIC PRESR (FUSELAGE) (MB)" ; PSFC:units = "hPa" ; PSFC:actual_range = 826.801f, 913.894f ; PSFC:SampledRate = 20 ; PSFC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PSBC(Time, sps20) ; PSBC:long_name = "CORRECTED STATIC PRESSURE (BOOM) (MB)" ; PSBC:units = "hPa" ; PSBC:actual_range = 826.173f, 913.47f ; PSBC:SampledRate = 20 ; PSBC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HP(Time, sps20) ; HP:long_name = "NACA PRESSURE ALTITUDE (M)" ; HP:units = "m" ; HP:actual_range = 1681.7f, 861.6f ; HP:SampledRate = 20 ; HP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HGM(Time, sps20) ; HGM:long_name = "GEOMETRIC (RADIO) ALTITUDE (M)" ; HGM:units = "m" ; HGM:actual_range = 0.f, 0.3720016f ; HGM:SampledRate = 20 ; HGM:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTB(Time, sps20) ; TTB:long_name = "TOTAL TEMPERATURE (BOOM ROSEMOUNT) (C)" ; TTB:units = "deg_C" ; TTB:actual_range = 25.454f, 23.529f ; TTB:SampledRate = 20 ; TTB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTRF(Time, sps20) ; TTRF:long_name = "TOTAL TEMPERATURE (REVERSE FLOW) (C)" ; TTRF:units = "deg_C" ; TTRF:actual_range = 24.581f, 22.857f ; TTRF:SampledRate = 20 ; TTRF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TTKP(Time, sps20) ; TTKP:long_name = "TOTAL TEMPERATURE (FAST RESPONSE) (C)" ; TTKP:units = "deg_C" ; TTKP:actual_range = 25.045f, 23.35f ; TTKP:SampledRate = 20 ; TTKP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATB(Time, sps20) ; ATB:long_name = "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (BOOM ROSEMOUNT)(C)" ; ATB:units = "deg_C" ; ATB:actual_range = 25.427f, 23.492f ; ATB:SampledRate = 20 ; ATB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATRF(Time, sps20) ; ATRF:long_name = "AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (REVERSE-FLOW) (C)" ; ATRF:units = "deg_C" ; ATRF:actual_range = 24.559f, 22.828f ; ATRF:SampledRate = 20 ; ATRF:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ATKP(Time, sps20) ; ATKP:long_name = "AMBIENT TEMP (FAST RESPONSE) (C)" ; ATKP:units = "deg_C" ; ATKP:actual_range = 25.045f, 23.3f ; ATKP:SampledRate = 20 ; ATKP:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float PRT5(Time, sps20) ; PRT5:long_name = "RADIOMETRIC SURFACE TEMP (PRT-5) (C)" ; PRT5:units = "deg_C" ; PRT5:actual_range = 51.414f, 26.017f ; PRT5:SampledRate = 20 ; PRT5:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPRB(Time, sps20) ; DPRB:long_name = "DEW/FROST POINT TEMP ( E-G+G)(RT-BOT)(C)" ; DPRB:units = "deg_C" ; DPRB:actual_range = -0.1949997f, 8.051003f ; DPRB:SampledRate = 20 ; DPRB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPRT(Time, sps20) ; DPRT:long_name = "DEW/FROST POINT TEMP(GN EAST)(RT-TOP)(C)" ; DPRT:units = "deg_C" ; DPRT:actual_range = -2.922997f, 7.768997f ; DPRT:SampledRate = 20 ; DPRT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPRBC(Time, sps20) ; DPRBC:long_name = "DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE ( E-G+G)(RT-BOT)(C)" ; DPRBC:units = "deg_C" ; DPRBC:actual_range = -0.211998f, 8.051003f ; DPRBC:SampledRate = 20 ; DPRBC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPRTC(Time, sps20) ; DPRTC:long_name = "DEWPOINT TEMPERATURE(GN EAST)(RT-TOP)(C)" ; DPRTC:units = "deg_C" ; DPRTC:actual_range = -3.296997f, 7.768997f ; DPRTC:SampledRate = 20 ; DPRTC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RHOTDB(Time, sps20) ; RHOTDB:long_name = "ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY ( E-G+G)(RT-BOT)(G/M3)" ; RHOTDB:units = "gram/m3" ; RHOTDB:actual_range = 4.364998f, 7.858002f ; RHOTDB:SampledRate = 20 ; RHOTDB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RHOTDT(Time, sps20) ; RHOTDT:long_name = "ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY(GN EAST)(RT-TOP)(G/M3)" ; RHOTDT:units = "gram/m3" ; RHOTDT:actual_range = 3.476997f, 7.708f ; RHOTDT:SampledRate = 20 ; RHOTDT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VLA(Time, sps20) ; VLA:long_name = "RAW LYMAN ALPHA HYGROMETER OUTPUT (VDC)" ; VLA:units = "Vdc" ; VLA:actual_range = -5.433998f, -1.115997f ; VLA:SampledRate = 20 ; VLA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TASW(Time, sps20) ; TASW:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE AIRSPEED (WING) (M/S)" ; TASW:units = "m/s" ; TASW:actual_range = 7.514999f, 8.828003f ; TASW:SampledRate = 20 ; TASW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float TASG(Time, sps20) ; TASG:long_name = "AIRCRAFT TRUE AIRSPEED (GUST) (M/S)" ; TASG:units = "m/s" ; TASG:actual_range = 0.4550018f, 10.013f ; TASG:SampledRate = 20 ; TASG:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LWC(Time, sps20) ; LWC:long_name = "RAW J-W LIQUID WATER CONTENT (G/M3)" ; LWC:units = "gram/m3" ; LWC:actual_range = -0.02300262f, -0.01699829f ; LWC:SampledRate = 20 ; LWC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float LWCC(Time, sps20) ; LWCC:long_name = "CORRCTD J-W LIQUID WATER CONTENT (G/M3)" ; LWCC:units = "gram/m3" ; LWCC:actual_range = -0.02300262f, -0.01699829f ; LWCC:SampledRate = 20 ; LWCC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float AFIXL(Time, sps20) ; AFIXL:long_name = "ATTACK ANGLE ( LEFT FIXED VANE) (DEG)" ; AFIXL:units = "degree" ; AFIXL:actual_range = 0.f, 0.f ; AFIXL:SampledRate = 20 ; AFIXL:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float AFIXR(Time, sps20) ; AFIXR:long_name = "ATTACK ANGLE (RIGHT FIXED VANE) (DEG)" ; AFIXR:units = "degree" ; AFIXR:actual_range = 0.f, 0.f ; AFIXR:SampledRate = 20 ; AFIXR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BFIXT(Time, sps20) ; BFIXT:long_name = "SIDESLIP ANGLE (TOP FIXED VANE) (DEG)" ; BFIXT:units = "degree" ; BFIXT:actual_range = 0.f, 0.f ; BFIXT:SampledRate = 20 ; BFIXT:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float BFIXB(Time, sps20) ; BFIXB:long_name = "SIDESLIP ANGLE (BOTTOM FIXED VANE) (DEG)" ; BFIXB:units = "degree" ; BFIXB:actual_range = 0.f, 0.f ; BFIXB:SampledRate = 20 ; BFIXB:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UI(Time, sps20) ; UI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR EAST GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; UI:units = "m/s" ; UI:actual_range = 0.01400757f, 10.009f ; UI:SampledRate = 20 ; UI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VI(Time, sps20) ; VI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR NORTH GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; VI:units = "m/s" ; VI:actual_range = 0.04100037f, -0.1390076f ; VI:SampledRate = 20 ; VI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WI(Time, sps20) ; WI:long_name = "WIND VECTOR VERTICAL GUST COMP (H) (M/S)" ; WI:units = "m/s" ; WI:actual_range = -0.01899719f, -0.2440033f ; WI:SampledRate = 20 ; WI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float UX(Time, sps20) ; UX:long_name = "WIND VECTOR LNGTDNL GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; UX:units = "m/s" ; UX:actual_range = 0.04100037f, -10.00999f ; UX:SampledRate = 20 ; UX:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VY(Time, sps20) ; VY:long_name = "WIND VECTOR LATERAL GUST COMPONENT (M/S)" ; VY:units = "m/s" ; VY:actual_range = 0.01100159f, 0.f ; VY:SampledRate = 20 ; VY:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WDRCTN(Time, sps20) ; WDRCTN:long_name = "HORIZONTAL WIND DIRECTION (BOOM) (DEG)" ; WDRCTN:units = "degree" ; WDRCTN:actual_range = 198.908f, 270.796f ; WDRCTN:SampledRate = 20 ; WDRCTN:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WSPD(Time, sps20) ; WSPD:long_name = "HORIZONTAL WIND SPEED (BOOM) (M/S)" ; WSPD:units = "m/s" ; WSPD:actual_range = 0.04299927f, 10.01f ; WSPD:SampledRate = 20 ; WSPD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VEW(Time, sps20) ; VEW:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD EAST COMP (M/S)" ; VEW:units = "m/s" ; VEW:actual_range = 0.2659912f, 0.f ; VEW:SampledRate = 20 ; VEW:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float VNS(Time, sps20) ; VNS:long_name = "RAW INS GROUND SPD NORTH COMP (M/S)" ; VNS:units = "m/s" ; VNS:actual_range = 0.4200134f, 0.f ; VNS:SampledRate = 20 ; VNS:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DEI(Time, sps20) ; DEI:long_name = "DISTANCE EAST OF START (KM)" ; DEI:units = "km" ; DEI:actual_range = -372.927f, 0.f ; DEI:SampledRate = 20 ; DEI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DNI(Time, sps20) ; DNI:long_name = "DISTANCE NORTH OF START (KM)" ; DNI:units = "km" ; DNI:actual_range = -135.045f, 0.f ; DNI:SampledRate = 20 ; DNI:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float CGAC(Time, sps20) ; CGAC:long_name = "AIRCRAFT C.G. ACCELERATION (M/S2)" ; CGAC:units = "m/s2" ; CGAC:actual_range = -0.0009994507f, -0.003997803f ; CGAC:SampledRate = 20 ; CGAC:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float WP3(Time, sps20) ; WP3:long_name = "DAMPED AIRCRAFT VERT VELOCITY (M/S)" ; WP3:units = "m/s" ; WP3:actual_range = -0.01200104f, 0.f ; WP3:SampledRate = 20 ; WP3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float HI3(Time, sps20) ; HI3:long_name = "PRESSURE-DAMPED INERTIAL ALTITUDE (M)" ; HI3:units = "m" ; HI3:actual_range = 1681.7f, 861.6f ; HI3:SampledRate = 20 ; HI3:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float RHUM(Time, sps20) ; RHUM:long_name = "RELATIVE HUMIDITY (PER CENT)" ; RHUM:units = "PER CENT" ; RHUM:actual_range = 18.515f, 37.183f ; RHUM:SampledRate = 20 ; RHUM:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float MIXR(Time, sps20) ; MIXR:long_name = "WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO (G/KG)" ; MIXR:units = "g/kg" ; MIXR:actual_range = 4.557999f, 7.408997f ; MIXR:SampledRate = 20 ; MIXR:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float ETHETA(Time, sps20) ; ETHETA:long_name = "EQUIVALENT POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE (K)" ; ETHETA:units = "deg_K" ; ETHETA:actual_range = 329.229f, 326.05f ; ETHETA:SampledRate = 20 ; ETHETA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float THETA(Time, sps20) ; THETA:long_name = "POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE (K)" ; THETA:units = "deg_K" ; THETA:actual_range = 314.858f, 304.186f ; THETA:SampledRate = 20 ; THETA:_FillValue = -32767.f ; float DPD(Time, sps20) ; DPD:long_name = "DEWPOINT DEPRESSION (ATB-DPRBC) (C)" ; DPD:units = "deg_C" ; DPD:actual_range = 25.639f, 15.441f ; DPD:SampledRate = 20 ; DPD:_FillValue = -32767.f ; // global attributes: :institution = "NCAR Research Aviation Facility" ; :Address = "P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000" ; :creator_url = "" ; :Conventions = "NCAR-RAF/nimbus" ; :ConventionsURL = "" ; :ConventionsVersion = "1.3" ; :Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF-1.0" ; :time_coordinate = "Time" ; :Phone = "(303) 497-1030" ; :ProcessorURL = "" ; :ProcessorRevision = "c7cc0e44" ; :Categories = "Position,Thermodynamic,Aircraft State,Atmos. State" ; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up" ; :wind_field = "WSPD WDRCTN WI" ; :date_created = "2016-12-19T00:23:01 +0000" ; :time_coverage_start = "1980-08-20T10:27:00 +0000" ; :time_coverage_end = "1980-08-20T14:03:40 +0000" ; :TimeInterval = "10:27:00-14:03:40" ; :FlightDate = "1980/08/20" ; :geospatial_lat_min = 39.89799f ; :geospatial_lat_max = 42.623f ; :latitude_coordinate = "LAT" ; :geospatial_lon_min = -105.125f ; :geospatial_lon_max = -100.692f ; :longitude_coordinate = "LON" ; :zaxis_coordinate = "HP" ; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m" ; :geospatial_vertical_min = 852.5f ; :geospatial_vertical_max = 3220.6f ; :DESCRIPTION = " 0-489A FLT 2 20 AUG. 80 SANDHIL" ; :CYCLE_TIME = 1.f ; :history = "Sun Dec 18 17:29:46 2016: ncatted -a FlightDate,Global,m,c,1980/08/20\n", "Sun Dec 18 17:29:45 2016: ncatted -a time_coverage_end,Global,m,c,1980-08-20T14:03:40 +0000\n", "Sun Dec 18 17:29:44 2016: ncatted -a time_coverage_start,Global,m,c,1980-08-20T10:27:00 +0000\n", "Sun Dec 18 17:29:42 2016: ncatted -a units,Time,m,c,seconds since 1980-08-20 00:00:00 +0000" ; }
SANDHILLS Publications
Data Access