HCR Deployments and data
Project Full name Date Location Preview HCR data
SPICULE Secondary Production of Ice in Cumulus Experiment 2021-05-29 to 2021-06-25 US Great Plains Radar images

10 Hz radar moments

Time series

OTREC Organization of Tropical East Pacific Convection 2019-08-07 to 2019-10-02 Central America Radar images

10 Hz radar moments

Time series

SOCRATES Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study 2018-01-15 to 2015-02-24 Southern Ocean

Radar images

Lidar images

10 Hz radar moments

2 Hz radar/lidar combined

Time series

CSET Cloud Systems Evolution in the Trades 2015-07-01 to 2015-08-12 Pacific California to Hawaii

Radar images

Lidar images

10 Hz radar moments

2 Hz radar/lidar combined

Time series

NOREASTER Nor'easter 2015-02-02 US East Coast  

10 Hz radar moments

Time series