APAR Measurements and products

APAR data will be provided in CfRadial format (NetCDF). In addition to the standard radar moments, such as reflectivity, radial velocity, and spectrum width, APAR will also provide the dual-pol variables differential reflectivity, differential phase, specific differential phase, and the cross correlation ratio. Several derived products, such as hydrometeor particle type, precipitation rate, and convectivity and convective/stratiform echo type, will also be available.


Dimension Unit  
time time s Seconds since volume start
range range m Range from instrument to center of gate
azimuth time deg Ray azimuth angle
elevation time deg Ray elevation angle
Radar observations
DBZ n_points dBZ Reflectivity
VEL n_points m/s Doppler velocity
WIDTH n_points m/s Spectrum width
ZDR n_points dB Differential reflectivity
PHIDP n_points deg Differential phase
KDP n_points deg/km Specific differential phase
RHOHV n_points   Cross correlation ratio
Derived products
RATE n_points mm/h Precipitation rate
PID n_points   Hydrometeor particle ID