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Boe, B. A., Heimbach, J. A., Krauss, T. W., Xue, L., Chu, X., & McPartland, J. T. (2014). The Dispersion of Silver Iodide Particles from Ground-Based Generators over Complex Terrain. Part I: Observations with Acoustic Ice Nucleus Counters. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53(6), 1325–1341. doi:10.1175/jamc-d-13-0240.1
Chu, X., Xue, L., Geerts, B., Rasmussen, R., & Breed, D. (2014). A Case Study of Radar Observations and WRF LES Simulations of the Impact of Ground-Based Glaciogenic Seeding on Orographic Clouds and Precipitation. Part I: Observations and Model Validations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53(10), 2264–2286. doi:10.1175/jamc-d-14-0017.1
Geerts, B., B. Pokharel, K. Friedrich, D. Breed, R. Rasmussen, Y. Yang, Q. Miao, S. Haimov, B. Boe, and B. Lawrence, 2013: The AgI Seeding Cloud Impact Investigation (ASCII) campaign 2012: overview and preliminary results. J. Wea. Mod., 45, 24-43.
Lebo, Z. J., Shipway, B. J., Fan, J., Geresdi, I., Hill, A., Miltenberger, A., Morrison, H., Rosenberg, P., Varble, A., & Xue, L., 2017: Challenges for Cloud Modeling in the Context of Aerosol–Cloud–Precipitation Interactions, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98(8), 1749-1755, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0291.1.
Pokharel, B., B. Geerts, X. Chu, and P. Bergmaier, 2017: Profiling radar observations and numerical
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Pokharel, B., B. Geerts, X. Jing, K. Friedrich, J. Aikins, D. Breed, R. Rasmussen, and A. Huggins, 2014: The impact of ground-based glaciogenic seeding on clouds and precipitation over mountains: A multi-sensor case study of shallow precipitating orographic cumuli, Atmos. Res., Volumes 147–148, 162-182, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.05.014.
Pokharel, B., B. Geerts, X. Jing, K. Friedrich, K. Ikeda, and R. Rasmussen, 2017: A multi-sensor study of the impact of ground-based glaciogenic seeding on clouds and precipitation over mountains in Wyoming. Part II: Seeding impact analysis. Atmos. Res., 183, 42–57, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.08.018.
Rauber, R. M., B. Geerts, L. Xue, J. French, K. Friedrich, R. M. Rasmussen, S. A. Tessendorf, D. R. Blestrud, M. L. Kunkel, & S. Parkinson, 2019: Wintertime Orographic Cloud Seeding—A Review. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58(10), 2117-2140, doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0341.1.
Tessendorf, S. A., French, J. R., Friedrich, K., Geerts, B., Rauber, R. M., Rasmussen, R. M., Xue, L., Ikeda, K., Blestrud, D. R., Kunkel, M. L., Parkinson, S., Snider, J. R., Aikins, J., Faber, S., Majewski, A., Grasmick, C., Bergmaier, P. T., Janiszeski, A., Springer, A., Weeks, C., Serke, D. J., & Bruintjes, R. (2019). A Transformational Approach to Winter Orographic Weather Modification Research: The SNOWIE Project, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100(1), 71-92, doi:
Xue, L., Chu, X., Rasmussen, R., Breed, D., & Geerts, B. (2016). A Case Study of Radar Observations and WRF LES Simulations of the Impact of Ground-Based Glaciogenic Seeding on Orographic Clouds and Precipitation. Part II: AgI Dispersion and Seeding Signals Simulated by WRF. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55(2), 445–464. doi:10.1175/jamc-d-15-0115.1
Xue, L., Chu, X., Rasmussen, R., Breed, D., Boe, B., & Geerts, B. (2014). The Dispersion of Silver Iodide Particles from Ground-Based Generators over Complex Terrain. Part II: WRF Large-Eddy Simulations versus Observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53(6), 1342–1361. doi:10.1175/jamc-d-13-0241.1