SAS Data Policy
  1. All investigators participating in SAS agree to promptly submit their quality controlled data to the SAS Data Archive Center (NDAC) at the latest by 15 January 2014 (six months after the end of the field campaign) to facilitate inter-comparison of results, quality control checks and inter-calibrations, as well as an integrated interpretation of the combined data set.

  2. During the initial data analysis period, defined as a one-year period following the agreed submission deadline to the SAS archive, SAS PIs will have exclusive access to this data. This initial analysis period is designed to provide an opportunity to quality control the combined data set as well as to provide the investigators ample time to publish their results.

  3. All data will be considered public domain one year after the agreed submission deadline to the SAS archive (i.e., on 15 January 2015 and thereafter). A data set within the SAS archive can be opened to the public domain earlier at the discretion of the data provider for this particular data set.

  4. All data shall be promptly provided to other SAS investigators upon request. All SAS investigators will have equal access to all data. A list of SAS investigators will be maintained by NCAR/EOL and will include the Principal Investigators (PIs) directly participating in the field experiment as well as collaborating scientists who have provided guidance in the planning and analysis of SAS data.

  5. During the initial data analysis period, the investigator(s) who collected the data must be notified first of the intent to use the data, in particular if data is to be provided to a third party (e.g., journal articles, presentations, research proposals, other investigators). It is strongly encouraged that PIs responsible for acquisition of data be invited to become collaborators and co-authors on any projects, publications and presentations. If the contribution of the data product is significant to the publication, the PIs responsible for generating a measurement or a data product should be offered the right of co-authorship. Any use of the data should include an acknowledgment (i.e., citation). In all circumstances, the PIs responsible for acquisition of data should be acknowledged appropriately.

  6. The following acknowledgement is suggested: The xxxx data were collected as part of the Nitrogen, Oxidants, Mercury and Aerosol Distributions, Sources & Sinks (SAS). The primary sponsor of SAS is the US National Science Foundation (NSF). The involvement of the NSF-sponsored Lower Atmospheric Observing Facilities, managed and operated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL), is acknowledged. The acquisition of the xxx data was carried out by Dr. Yyyyy using the zzzz instrument and was funded by wwww (if pertinent). The data were downloaded from the SAS Data Archive, which is maintained by NCAR EOL.

Event       Deadline      
End of Field Campaign 15 July 2013
Preliminary Data Submission Deadline 15 January 2014
Final Data Submission Deadline 15 January 2015

Initial Data Analysis Period (SAS Science Team members have

exclusive access to the data during this period.)

15 January 2014 -

15 January 2015
Data becomes Public Domain 15 January 2015