NCAR/EOL deployed ISS for four of the PECAN Integeated Sounding Array (PISA) sites.
The four NCAR PISAs, and links to quick look summary plots from each site are:
FP3 (Ellis KS)
The FP3 site was split into two locations: the NCAR profiler site and the Millersville University sounding site. The NCAR profiler location, about one mile northwest of Ellis consisted of the NCAR 449 MHz Modular Wind Profiler, Water Vapor DIAL, GPS WV, Ott Parsivel optical disdrometer, All Sky camera, and basic met obs. Also at this site were a Doppler wind lidar and microwave profiling radiometer from the University of Manitoba and an AERI (Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer) from NSSL and DOE. Millersville University operated a sounding, tethersonde and sodar site on the western side of Ellis.
FP4 (Minden NE)
The FP4 site was at Pioneer Village Airport on the north side of Minden NE. The site consisted of an ISS 915 MHz DBS wind profiler, GAUS radiosonde soundings, CL31 ceilometer, web camera, 3-D sonic, solar radiation and basic met obs. NSSL and DOE also deployed an AERI (Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer) at FP4.
FP5 (Brewster KS)
The FP5 site near Brewster KS consisted of an ISS 915 MHz DBS wind profiler, GAUS radiosonde soundings, web camera, 3-D sonic, solar radiation and basic met obs. NSSL and DOE also deployed an AERI (Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer).
Mobile PISA 4
MP4 was a mobile PISA based in Hays KS and consisted of MISS with 915 MHz DBS wind profiler and basic met obs, and the MGAUS mobile radiosonde sounding system. MP4 was deployed over a wide area of Kansas and Nebraska, and occasionally ventured into other states.
Contact for ISS at PECAN : William Brown
PECAN Advanced Education Resources