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Burns, S. P., Delany, A. C., Sun, J., Stephens, B. B., Oncley, S. P., Maclean, G. D., ... Ruppert, J. (2009). An Evaluation of Calibration Techniques for In Situ Carbon Dioxide Measurements Using a Programmable Portable Trace-Gas Measuring System. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26(2), 291-316. doi:10.1175/2008jtecha1080.1
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Sun, J., Oncley, S., Burns, S., Stephens, B., Watt, A., Campos, T., Lenschow, D., Monson, R., Hu, J., Tschudi, M., Schimel, D., Aulenbach, S., Sacks, W., de Wekker, S., Lai, C.-T., Lamb, B., Allwine, E., Coons, T., Ojima, D. Ellsworth, P., Sternberg, L., Zhong, S., Clements, C., and Anderson, D., 2010: A multi-scale and multidisciplinary investigation of ecosystem-atmosphere CO2 exchange over the rocky mountains of Colorado, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91, 209- 230.