ISFF data at CHATS were acquired with six data systems. Two data systems were used to acquire the hot-film data: hfarray at the horizontal array, and hftower at the 30 meter tower. The other four data systems, east and west at the horizontal array, and lower and upper at the 30 meter tower, acquired all the other ISFF sensor data at CHATS.
The data from the four regular (non-hotfilm) systems were transfered in real-time over the WIFI network to the base system in the PAM trailer, and merged into files named raw_data/isff_YYYYmmdd_HHMMSS.dat. These were saved as four hour files, and when all sensors are operational, are XXX Mbyte/4 hours or Y Gbyte/day.
For redundancy during network outages, these data were also saved locally at each data system on 60 Gbyte USB drives (Pocketecs). These local storage files can be transfered to the base system via sneaker-net by swapping in empty USB drivers, or as is currently done, by copying over the network using rsync in a limited bandwidth, background mode. The local storage files are named with the data system name, e.g. raw_data/east_YYYYmmdd_HHMMSS.dat. These were saved as 12 hour files, and are xxx Mbyte/12-hour at east, yyy Mbyte/12-hour at west, xxx Mbyte/12-hour at lower and xxx Mbyte/12-hour at upper.
These five datasets, the merged network files, and the 4 sets of local storage files, were then merged again in order to fill in holes during network outages. The merged files are called merge/isff_YYmmdd_HHMMSS.dat.
The hot-film data stored locally on USB drives, and transfered via sneaker-net to the base system. They are not transfered over the network in real-time. The file names are of the form raw_data/hfarray_YYYYmmdd_HHMMSS.dat. They are saved as 1/2 hour files, which are 100 Mbyte/half-hour (xxx Gbyte/day) at hfarray, and 130 Mbyte/half-hour (yyy Gbyte/day) at hftower.