1. How is my travel paid for to participate in the ARISTO program?
A: The ARISTO test-flight program would be funded through the NSF Deployment Pool. Funding will cover basic aircraft operations costs (AMR, Fuel, SatCom) and DFS charges associated with the installation of an instrument. Instrument providers are expected to cover all expenses related to their own staff, travel and costs associated with the operation of the instrument.
2. I cannot test my instrument in Colorado, can we do ARISTO in another state?
A: Flight test requests requiring more than 20 flight hours or deployment to locations other than the EOL/RAF home base in Broomfield, CO will be treated as a regular facility request and go through the standard OFAP process.
3. Does the data I collect need to be released to the public?
A: Yes. Data from each flight test program will be released following EOL’s data policy. However, since some of the instruments will be prototypes, the usefulness of data archival and distribution will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
4. Who determines what aircraft will be used for the ARISTO test flights?
A: EOL will collect request from instrument PIs interested in participating in ARISTO (including the preferred aircraft for the project). EOL will evaluate requests and testing needs to provide a payload recommendation to the review panel for implementation. If necessary, EOL will provide multiple suggested payloads (from one or both aircraft) to the review panel.
5. How many test flight hours will be flown?
A: There will be 15-20 test flight hours flown each year over a 2-3 week period. The initial date range for the tests is currently provided. A more detailed schedule will be developed after NSF announces the final funding decision.
Letter from the Project Manager
ARISTO 2015 Digital Camera Imagery and Movie Notes