RAF Data Files for Project: Marine Stratus Studies

    Project no.:  1982-670     Project name:  Marine Stratus Studies
       Aircraft:  N306D        Scientist(s):  James W. Telford
      Data type:  HRT         Programmer(s):  ESS
 Processor used:  GENPRO
  Output format:  GENPRO-I

 HPSS path name:  /EOL/1982/mss-82/aircraft/queenairb80_n306d/HRT/GENPRO-I
 HPSS file name:  Gxxxxx              GxxxxxC
     MSS format:  TBM                 COS-blocked copies

                              Date        Start      End         File Sizes (Mbytes)
 fltno   TLxxxx   Gxxxxx   mm/dd/yyyy     Time       Time         TBM      COS-blocked
 RF01A   TL0519   G51514   08/10/1982   13:43:34   16:47:39    51.855360    51.892224
 RF01A   TL0519   G51514   08/10/1982   16:52:26   17:56:48    51.855360    51.892224
 RF01B   TL0483   G51515   08/10/1982   16:52:26   17:59:09    14.008320   (13.811712)
 RF02A   TL0519   G51516   08/11/1982   11:23:00   14:20:23    52.592640   (52.547584)
 RF02B   TL0519   G51516   08/11/1982   14:25:32   15:40:02    52.592640   (52.547584)
 RF02B     -      G51517   08/11/1982   14:25:32   15:42:07    +            +
 RF03A   TL0519   G51518   08/12/1982   10:30:42   13:42:44    48.291840   (48.214016)
 RF03B   TL0519   G51518   08/12/1982   13:46:54   14:25:23    48.291840   (48.214016)
 RF03B     -      G51519   08/12/1982   13:46:54   14:54:23    +            +
 RF04A     -      G51520   08/13/1982   10:26:42   13:48:29    +            +
 RF04B     -      G51521   08/13/1982   13:48:30   14:28:29    +            +
 RF05    TL0483   G51522   08/15/1982   09:39:00   10:50:52    14.991360   (14.860288)
 RF06A   TL0483   G51523   08/16/1982   11:49:22   15:17:53    51.363840   (51.318784)
 RF06B   TL0483   G51523   08/16/1982   15:21:15   15:54:03    51.363840   (51.318784)
 RF06B     -      G51524   08/16/1982   15:21:15   16:00:45    +            +
 RF07A   TL0519   G51525   08/17/1982   09:55:09   13:29:29    53.084160   (53.088256)
 RF07B   TL0519   G51525   08/17/1982   13:32:09   14:12:13    53.084160   (53.088256)
 RF07B     -      G51526   08/17/1982   13:32:09   14:14:24    +            +
 RF08A   TL0483   G51527   08/18/1982   13:27:38   17:09:24    53.084160   (53.067776)
 RF08B   TL0483   G51527   08/18/1982   17:12:02   17:44:32    53.084160   (53.067776)
 RF08B     -      G51528   08/18/1982   17:12:02   17:46:45    +            +
 RF09A   TL0483   G51529   08/19/1982   11:08:46   14:45:53    54.681600   (54.644736)
 RF09B   TL0483   G51529   08/19/1982   14:49:33   15:31:48    54.681600   (54.644736)
 RF09B     -      G51530   08/19/1982   14:49:33   15:36:33    +            +
 RF10    TL0483   G51531   08/24/1982   10:02:51   13:44:55    45.957120   (45.907968)
 RF11    TL0483   G51532   08/24/1982   15:08:58   18:47:35    45.219840   (45.203456)
 RF12    TL0483   G51533   08/25/1982   10:10:53   13:56:50    46.817280   (46.739456)
  + Note:  Bitfile missing from SCD Mass Store System archive.  Except
            for RF04, time-segment B probably is concatenated to its
            time-segment A bitfile. Nov 2016 - With conversion to NetCDF, this concatenation
            was confirmed. Time segments added to table above.
 () Note:  COS-blocked bitfiles purged by mistake in May 2008