Detwiler, A. G., J. H. Helsdon, D. J. Musil, R. Ramachandran, P. L. Smith, Jr., V. N. Bringi and I. J. Caylor, 1993: Observations of electrification in CaPE thunderstorms. Preprint, 17th Conf. on Severe Local Storms/Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Louis, Res. Grant No. 91-0141 MO, Amer. Meter. Soc., J8-J15.
Smith, P. L., Jr., A. G. Detwiler, D. J. Musil, V. Chandrasekar and V. N. Bringi: Coordinated aircraft and multi-parameter radar observations of CaPE warm-based clouds. Preprints, 11th Intnl. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Vol. 1, 444-446.