Design Approvals

Equipment development for certified aircraft generally follows this design cycle process. For aircraft operations in restricted category (this is what is intended for HIAPER), certain regulatory requirements can be relaxed. However, design data approval (drawings, structural analysis, electrical loads analysis, etc.) and meeting the flammability requirements for material inside the cabin cannot be relaxed. There must be sufficient data to verify the regulatory requirements outlined in FAA Advisory Circular 25-10 are met. RAF can assist the developer with data approval provided RAF receives the data (contact Pavel Romashkin for more details). Otherwise it will be the instrument developers’ responsibility to obtain necessary approvals such as a statement of conformity (FAA Form 8130-9), which can be completed by any DAR or DMIR. If appropriate data and inspections as outlined are completed and approvals provided, RAF will be able to install the equipment and will assume responsible for any subsequent required approvals to enable flight operations.

Do not confuse design approval with conformity check. DERs perform design approval only. They determine if what you have planned is appropriate for aircraft operation per FAR. Obtaining 8110-3 through RAF or directly from DERs helps ensure that you will not waste time building a non-compliant instrument that will require modification in order to be airworthy.

Conformity check is performed before equipment is installed on the aircraft to ensure that is was in fact built according to the approved design data. RAF Inspection Authorization designees are not licensed by the FAA to make determination on whether parts of your instrument comply with the FAR. They are trained and licensed to ONLY assess whether the hardware conforms to the approved designs.