Freitag, S., A.D. Clarke, T.L. Campos, J. Zhou, S. Howell, and V. Kapustin, 2009: Challenging HYSPLIT trajectories in the equatorial Free Troposphere during PASE: Visualizing In-situ Tracers of Continental Sources and Convective Influence. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract A13b-0231.
Hudson, J.G. and S. Noble, 2008: Cloud condensation nuclei sizes, International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Cancun, Mexico, July 7-11.
Hudson, J.G., and S. Mishra, 2007: Cloud condensation nuclei sizes, AAAR 26th Annual Conference, Reno, NV, Sept. 24-28.
Hudson, J.G., S. Noble and V. Jha, 2009: Aerosol hygroscopicity variability, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December.
Hudson, J.G., S. Noble and V. Jha, 2009: CCN cloud droplet and drizzle drop correlations, AAAR 28th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minn., October 26-30.
Hudson, J.G., S. Noble and V. Jha, 2009: Correlations of CCN concentrations with cloud droplet and drizzle drop concentrations, ICNAA, Prague, Czech Republic, August.
Hudson, J.G., S. Noble and V. Jha, 2009: Droplet and drizzle drop correlations with CCN, IAMAS, Montreal, Canada, July.
Hudson, J.G., S. Noble and V. Jha, 2010: Relationships among CCN, cloud droplet and drizzle drop spectra. Oral presentation, International Aerosol Conference, Helsinki, Finland, August 29-September 3.
Hudson, J.G., V. Jha and S. Noble, 2008: CCN hygroscopicity variability, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December.
Jha, V., S. Noble and J. G. Hudson, 2008: Observations of CCN concentrations and concentration variations related to clouds and cloud scavenging, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December.